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Wrapped in his ardent prefiguration of events, the captain posted towards the house with his head down. 'Hands up! Halt! cried the voice of Attwater. And the captain, before he knew what he was doing, had obeyed. The surprise was complete and irremediable.

"Et Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis," the Abbé Gévresin added, in conclusion. "This prefiguration of the Word by Noah is certainly curious," remarked Durtal. "Animals are also introduced in the iconography of the saints," the Abbé Plomb resumed.

As a symbol it taught every Israelite what his own conscience, once awakened, endorsed, that sin must be expiated before the sinner and God can walk in concord. As prophecy, it assured those whose hearts were touched with longing, that God would Himself 'provide the lamb for the burnt offering, in some way as yet unknown. For us it is an intended prefiguration of the great work of Jesus Christ.

Wrapped in this ardent prefiguration of events, the captain posted towards the house with his head down. "Hands up! Halt!" cried the voice of Attwater. And the captain, before he knew what he was doing, had obeyed. The surprise was complete and irremediable.

At present I am content to regard the electric telegraph as the oracular response to that prefiguration. But I still look for some higher and transcendent response.

A manifest example whereof appeareth in those who, fasting, are not able to carry to their head a great goblet full of wine without a trembling and a shaking in the hand that holds it. This of old was accounted a prefiguration and mystical pointing out of the Pythian divineress, who used always, before the uttering of a response from the oracle, to shake a branch of her domestic laurel.

King and priest, warrior and maiden, philosopher and child, all must walk those mighty galleries alone. The solitude, therefore, which in this world appalls or fascinates a child's heart, is but the echo of a far deeper solitude, through which already he has passed, and of another solitude, deeper still, through which he has to pass: reflex of one solitude prefiguration of another.

The ethical idea of the drama, as I set forth in a book entitled "Studies in the Wagnerian Drama" many years ago, is that it is the enlightenment which comes through pity which brings salvation. The allusion is to the redemption of mankind by the sufferings and compassionate death of Christ; and that stupendous tragedy is the prefiguration of the mimic drama which Wagner has constructed.

His son inherited these upright feelings. And we may easily guess what would be the bitter sting of any satire he would write on Bromley. Such a topic was too true to be forgiven, and too keenly barbed by Bromley's conscience. By the way, this writer, like ourselves, reads in this juvenile adventure a prefiguration of Pope's satirical destiny.

Think how you fought it from court to court, picking up your Law on the way, a Demosthenes, a Cicero, till all the world wondered and deemed you a demigod. You did that because I stood for Injustice. You were the Quixote to right all wrong. You saw the universal in the individual. My case was but a prefiguration of your real mission. Now it is the universal that calls to you.