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Then she thought again. "No, not yet. He must be detained in the house. Letters may come to him, and their postmarks may give us some clew." "I'll recommend the house to him." "Oh, that is not necessary. He will lodge here of his own accord. Does he know you?" "I think not." "Do not give him the least suspicion that you know he is a detective." "All right, I won't."

Yes, the postmarks correspond; yet the letter from Genoa, dated 20th, refers back to the letter from Venice, written eight days later! the Well I can't comprehend how in the name of how in the name He placed the two letters on his desk, and read them over, and up and down, and pondered darkly over them. 'It is Mark Wylder's writing I'll swear to it. What on earth can he mean?

But none of us not even Oswald the discerning understood exactly what we had been mixed up in, till the pink satin box with three large bottles of A1 scent in it, and postmarks of foreign lands, came to Dora. And there was a letter. It said "My dear Gipsies, I beg to return the Eau de Cologne you so kindly lent me.

He took up the paper wrapper from the waste basket and examined it with renewed interest. John Markham, Esquire, West th Street, New York City. With a stamp of the French Republic and a postmark of What were the postmarks? Paris. Of course. And the other? VAL-E ? Valence? Valence was in the South of France on the Rhone. He had never been there. No. That wouldn't do. VAL-L-E VallŽcy!

Look at the dates on the telegram and the bill, and the postmarks on the letters. Can he, by some queer chance, have changed overcoats with the dead man?" "A most unlikely thing, I should say." "Something of the sort must have happened. Anyhow, let us get hold of him, and sift this matter thoroughly."

"Mamma, do you have to read the postmarks off my letters? I can read my own mail without any help." "How she sasses her mother! Say, for my part, I should worry if you get letters or not. A girl that is afraid to give her mother a little pleasure!" Mrs.

It is always a shock to see your own handwriting months after you have sent it off on a long journey. Here was his own handwriting on a very soiled envelop, plastered over with postmarks. How quaint was the superscription, how eloquent the distant dates of the postmarks! "For Natalie. At the Ranch of Dom Francisco, on the Road to Oeiras, in the Province of Ceara, Brazil."

Those postmarks or impressions had been the work of Bagwax's life; but his zeal, his joy in his office, and the general energy of his disposition, had opened up to him also all the mysteries of the queen's heads.

Then one, directed in another hand, a man's, but with the same postmarks, both of 1808, with the months undecipherable. This last seemed the most important, being tied with tape. It was the elder Daverill's successful forgery, treasured by old Maisie as the last letter from her family in England, telling of her sister Phoebe's death. All the letters were addressed to "Mrs.

One of the houses had evidently held the post office, for in it was a small cabinet holding a few pieces of uncalled-for mail addressed to various persons. There were unopened letters and papers, bearing the postmarks of towns back East; there were packages, showing marks of long journeys, still intact, their cords still tightly knotted.