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Updated: August 26, 2024

The postmarks on the letters in the package in our hands show that they joined the current at a junction but a few miles past, and if the location of one of them is sought on the map, it is found to be an obscure hamlet on a remote stage route, by which it reaches the railroad, over which a single clerk in an office seven feet square, or less, performs local service, and which line makes connection with the through mail-train on the main road.

It was easy enough for the officers to hurry back to their letters from wives and children or sweethearts, but for hours the men kept up their hurrah; Ray had been their hero for years, and the affair of the July fight of Wayne's command had simply intensified the feeling. Naturally, the letters bearing the postmarks of latest dates were those first opened.

It was a foreign letter; some lines of the faded old postmarks were still visible on the back. The first page looked as if it had been written over with some sort of sympathetic ink; but not a word could be deciphered.

What sense of justice can any Queen have in her bosom who will send such a one back, to heap sin upon sin, to fasten the bonds of iniquity on the soul of my child? Postage-stamps and postmarks and an old envelope! The triviality of the things as compared with the importance of everlasting life made her feel that they were unworthy to be even noticed.

"It is a most mysterious thing! Have you been able to verify the postmarks?" "So far as I know, all the letters were posted at Markborough." "No doubt by some accomplice," said the Bishop. He paused and sighed. Then he looked searchingly, though still hesitatingly, at his companion. "Mr. Barron, I trust you will allow me as your Bishop one little reminder.

Your old father, who is very fond of you and very sad to think of the trouble he is giving you, Isidore at once looked at the postmarks. They read, "Cuzion, Indre." The Indre! The department which he had been stubbornly searching for weeks! He consulted a little pocket-guide which he always carried. Cuzion, in the canton of Eguzon he had been there too.

He wrote letters and began to get mail in blank, non-committal envelopes and added to the general feeling of exasperation by always being at the desk before even the clerk had time to make out the postmarks. Oh, he was up to something that was certain something that would "knock" the camp no doubt. They wouldn't put it past him.

She unlocked a drawer and took from it two open envelopes scored with many postmarks and addressed to Harmouth, to Cannes and to Harmouth again; these she scrutinized anxiously, as if they disclosed some secret guarded by their contents. Then she read the letters carefully all over again. One was from her cousin Edith Jewdwine.

In post-office phraseology there is sometimes a confusion because the affixed effigy of her Majesty's head, which represents the postage paid, is called a stamp, and the postmarks or impressions indicating the names of towns are also called stamps.

He read placidly the various memoranda written on the yellow slips of paper, scrutinised! the cancelled stamps, postmarks, superscription. But when his gaze fell upon the body of the letter his complacent expression altered to one of disgust! "What's this, Miss Erith?" "Code-cipher, I'm afraid." "The deuce!" Miss Erith smiled.

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