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Lee's parlour; but, after all, they are able to describe themselves better than any poor novelist can describe them. Generally two currents of conversation ran on together one round Sybil, the other about Madeleine. "Mees Ross," said Count Popoff, leading in a handsome young foreigner, "I have your permission to present to you my friend Count Orsini, Secretary of the Italian Legation.

There is a famous fishery there now called the Davidson Banks, and the codfishing fleet has its headquarters on Popoff Island. Millions of codfish are caught here every year. These islands are also a favourite haunt of the sea otter, Belofsky, at the foot of Mt. Pavloff, is the centre of the trade."

The first eminence or shoulder of the mountain is near the timber line and is often spoken of as the Mountain of the Cross, while above it towers the Arrowhead, or the summit of Verstovia, otherwise called at times Popoff Mountain, or the Ponce, to a height of 3,216 feet, nearly a Russian verst, and from this it derives its name.

Lee never flirted, and the idea of her flirting with Popoff would have seemed ludicrous to all mankind. He did not sit down, but was leaning against the angle of the wall, talking with her, when suddenly Mr. Ratcliffe appeared and took the seat by her side with such deliberation and apparent sense of property that Popoff incontinently turned and fled.

This comprised a long antenna and filings-tube, and M. Popoff even pointed out that his apparatus might well serve for the transmission of signals as soon as a generator of waves powerful enough had been discovered. Finally, on the 2nd June 1896, a young Italian, born in Bologna on the 25th April 1874, Guglielmo Marconi, patented a system of wireless telegraphy destined to become rapidly popular.

A height at the mouth of the Strypa, called Tomb of Popoff, fell into the hands of the Russian troops. Both Austrian and Russian aeroplanes dropped bombs, without however inflicting any serious damage, even though the Russians officially announced that as many as fifty bombs fell on Zuczka about half a mile outside of Czernowitz and on North Czernowitz.

"Priestess of Culture," Herbert Adams, of New York; female figure surmounting columns within rotunda. Coloring of dome, burnt orange, turquoise green, Sienna columns. Youth, by Charles Carey Rumsey. An Outcast, by Attilio Piccirilli. Idyl, by Olga Popoff Muller. Dancing Nymph, by Olin L. Warner. Boy and Frog, by Edward Berge. Eurydice, by Furio Piccirilli. Wild Flower, by Edward Berge.

It is very remarkable that the Indian story-tellers of ancient days should have taken it into their heads to satirize an idea which has been of late carried out completely by the Russian Admiral Popoff, in his celebrated circular war steamer. The Mournful Mystery of the Partridge-Witch; setting forth how a Young Man died from Love. Of the olden time.

Young Mother with Child by Furio Piccirilli. 8. Idyl by Olga Popoff Muller. 13. An Outcast by Attilio Piccirilli. 14. Before the doorway is to be placed The Pioneer Mother Monument by Charles Grafly. About the rotunda are: 1. Lincoln by Daniel Chester French, a dignified portrayal that cannot be justly judged from the plaster model here exhibited. 4.

Should the historian desire to give a conclusion to his labour and answer the question the reader would doubtless not fail to put to him, "To whom, in short, should the invention of wireless telegraphy more particularly be attributed?" he should certainly first give the name of Hertz, the genius who discovered the waves, then that of Marconi, who was the first to transmit signals by the use of Hertzian undulations, and should add those of the scholars who, like Morse, Popoff, Sir W. Preece, Lodge, and, above all, Branly, have devised the arrangements necessary for their transmission.