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Jan. 15. i am all spekled over. mother says she is afrade i have got chicken pocks. i gess i have been in the hen koop to mutch. Jan. 16. the speckles have all gone of. doctor Perry says i et to many donuts. Jan. 18. brite and fair. yesterday to and day before yesterday i have forgot. Jan. 19. snowed all day. Me and Beany is mad.

Four or five days are occupied with this process; the matter in the pocks then begins to dry, and scabs to form, which gradually by the end of another week drop off, and leave the skin spotted with red or even scarred if the pocks went deep enough to destroy the skin, and to leave the indelible marks, the so-called pitting of small-pox.

Barrage after barrage had marked the earth with the deep scarred pocks of war. He must push on toward the rear with the last inch that could be wrung from that motor and then land straight ahead, leaving the outcome to Lady Luck. She had never deserted him completely That moment she deserted. The motor conked with a non-stuttering finality. Now for a dead stick landing, straight ahead!

'They maun be packit sae close, sae unco close i' their muckle pocks, like the feathers in a feather-bed! and syne, whan they lat them a' oot thegither, like haudin the bed i' their twa ban's by the boddom corners, they maun be smorin thick till they begin to spread! 'And wha think ye shaks oot the muckle pocks, Steenie? 'I dinna ken. I hae aften thoucht aboot it.

The women have more privalages than is Common amongst Indians- Pocks & Venerial is Common amongst them I Saw one man & one woman who appeared to be all in Scabs, & Several men with the venereal, their other Disorders and the remides for them I could not lern we divided Some ribin between the men of our party to bestow on their favourite Lasses, this plan to Save the knives & more valueable articles.

"Troth, he's nae wise man neither, to interfere no that I blame him for saving the gaugers' lives that was very right; but it wasna like a gentleman to be fighting about the poor folk's pocks o' tea and brandy kegs however, he's a grand man and an officer man, and they do what they like wi' the like o' us."

So common was it that it was quite customary to take the infectious matter from the pocks upon the skin of a mild case and inoculate children with it, so as to give them the disease in mild form and thus protect them against a severe, or fatal, attack; just as in country districts, a few years ago, some parents would expose their children to measles when it happened to be a mild form, so as to "have it over with."

All the forenoon, as the wives that went to the meal-market, came back railing with toom pocks and basins, it might have been foretold that the farmers would have to abate their extortion, or that something would come o't before night.

Two days later, Sam, who was then about ten years old, also showed evidence of the dejection of soul around him. "Richard Dumer, a flourishing youth of 9 years old dies of the Small Pocks.