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Second, in so-called plexuses, occupying different positions in the cavity of the trunk, and standing in especial relation to various organs; the solar or coeliac plexus to the stomach, liver, and spleen; the two renal plexuses to the kidneys; the mesenteric plexuses to the intestine; finally, on each side of the pelvis, the hypogastric plexus to the bladder, uterus, and ovaries the so-called genito-urinary organs.

Where infective wounds of muscles of locomotion occur, the course and gravity of the affection are directly influenced by the proximity of the injury to lymph plexuses. For instance, injuries causing an infectious inflammatory involvement of the adductors of the thigh may result in a generalization of the infection by way of the inguinal lymph glands.

And as these two centers, the sympathetic center of the deeper abdomen, and the voluntary center of the loins, gradually sparkle into wakeful, conscious activity, their corresponding poles are roused in the upper body. In the region of the throat and neck, the so-called cervical plexuses and the cervical ganglia dawn into activity.

Sampson Handley disagrees with this view; he believes that the dissemination is accomplished in a more subtle way, namely, by the actual growth of cancer cells along the finer vessels of the lymph plexuses that ramify in the deep fascia, a method of spread which he calls permeation. It is maintained also that permeation occurs as readily against the lymph stream as with it.

Hart some demonstrations, which the latter describes as follows: "A tube containing ten drachms of cognac were placed at a certain point on the subject's neck, which Dr. Luys said was the seat of the great nerve plexuses.

Sydney Jones states that in the case of an old epileptic who had been accustomed to take nitrate of silver as a remedy, the choroid plexuses were remarkably dark, and from their surface could be scraped a brownish black, soot-like material, and a similar substance was found lying quite free in the cavity of the fourth ventricle, apparently detached from the choroid plexus. Path.

Oh, damn the miserable baby with its complicated ping-pong table of an unconscious. I'm sure, dear reader, you'd rather have to listen to the brat howling in its crib than to me expounding its plexuses. As for "mixing those babies up," I'd mix him up like a shot if I'd anything to mix him with.

Now, let us substitute for this inverted tree the nervous system of a man, and remember that the electric current moves from the positive to the negative pole as nearly in straight lines as it can where there are good conductors, such as the nerves and muscles, and it will at once appear that, in treating the lower limbs, if we place our N. P. at the coccyx, and then manipulate with P. P. over the feet and legs, our electric lines are running from all the surface extremities of the nerve ramifications, wherever the P. P. is moving, directly into and along these fine ramifications, and, through the larger nerve-branches, up to the stationary N. P. Or, if we treat the trunk of the body by placing the N. P. on the spine, near its upper end, and then manipulate with P. P. from the lower part upward over the back, sides, abdomen and chest, our current strikes into the surface extremities of the nerves at every point where the electrode touches, and makes its way upwards, along the nerve-lines, to the great spinal cord under the N. P. thus replenishing with fresh electricity all the ganglions, plexuses and nerve-trunks along the way.