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"Why, it is your own fault, it is so easy to get it viséd again overnight." He would not willingly suffer any other man's goose to feed upon the common he cared for nobody but himself, and every thing that was or he esteemed to be his his very joints were worked unlike those of another man he must have had a set of adductors and abductors, of flexors and extensors, on purpose.

As examples may be cited the rupture of the quadriceps extensor in attempting to regain the balance when falling backwards; of the gastrocnemius, plantaris, or tendo-calcaneus in jumping or dancing; of the adductors of the thigh in gripping a horse when it swerves "rider's sprain"; of the abdominal muscles in vomiting, and of the biceps in sudden movements of the arm.

Where infective wounds of muscles of locomotion occur, the course and gravity of the affection are directly influenced by the proximity of the injury to lymph plexuses. For instance, injuries causing an infectious inflammatory involvement of the adductors of the thigh may result in a generalization of the infection by way of the inguinal lymph glands.

This results in paralysis of the adductors of the thigh if sufficient injury is done. It is said that nerves become over-stretched and held tense, in certain positions in which animals are obliged to remain while cast in confinement such as in some instances where unusual methods of restraint are employed.

As a rule a pair of muscles is so placed, with reference to a joint, that one moves the part in one direction, and the other moves it in the opposite direction. From the kinds of motion which the various muscle pairs produce, they are classified as follows: 1. Adductors and Abductors.—The adductors draw the limbs into positions parallel with the axis of the body and the abductors draw them away.

When it is injured at or above the elbow, there is paralysis of the flexor carpi ulnaris, the ulnar half of the flexor digitorum profundus, all the interossei, the two medial lumbricals, and the adductors of the thumb.

Locate five muscles that act as flexors; five that act as extensors; two that act as adductors; and two as abductors. Locate sphincter and radiating muscles. By what means does the nervous system control the muscles? Give proofs of the change of potential into kinetic energy during muscular contraction. Define the essential properties of muscular tissue and state the purpose served by each.