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As he has not done raising the contributions in the Lausitz, you must send another to do it, and have them ready when General Platen passes that way hither." "'Five thalers bounty for artillery men" say you? It is not to be thought of. Artillery men can be had by conscription where you are." March 26th, Henri's gloom reaches the igniting point; he writes to Chief-Clerk Eichel:

"HERAN!" storm the others with hot tears; Adjutant von Platen takes the flag; Platen, too, is instantly shot; but another takes it. "HERAN, On!" in wild storm of rage and grief: in a word, they manage to do the work at Sterbohol, they and the rest.

He poured it forth with glee the improved mechanical appliances, the cuts in the catalogue, the platen roller, the ribbon switch, the twenty-six yards of red or blue typing, the fifty per cent. saving in ribbon expenditure alone, the new basket shift, the stationary carriage, the tabulator, the superiority to all other typewriting machines the price one hundred dollars without discount.

"In those little Courts there is no distinction of much value but what arises from the favour of the Prince, and Madame Platen saw with great indignation that all her charms were passed over unregarded; and she took a method to get over this misfortune which would never have entered into the head of a woman of sense, and yet which met with wonderful success.

The same idea has long been helpful to me in a third form in the following lines of Platen "Was stets und aller Orten Sich ewig jung erweist Ist, in gebundenen Worten Ein ungebundener Geist."

The next canal is short, and leads through a lovely wood into the little lake of Norbysee. It is customary to walk this distance, and inspect the simple monument of Count Platen, who made the plans for the locks and canals, a lasting, colossal undertaking.

Platen, a valiant skilful person, did this business, as he was apt to do, in a shining style; shot dexterously forward by the skirts of Butturlin; heard of a big WAGENBURG or Travelling Magazine of his, at Gostyn over the Polish Frontier; in fact, his travelling bread-basket, arranged as "Wagon-fortress" in and round some Convent there, with trenches, brick walls, cannon and defence considered strong enough for so important a necessary of the road.

And meanwhile Madame von Platen was reproaching her lover with having dealt too softly with the Dane. "Bah!" said the Elector. "To-morrow he goes his ways, and we are rid of him. Is not that enough?" "Enough, if, soon as he goes, he goes not too late already," quoth she. "Now what will you be hinting?" he asked her peevishly. "I'll be more plain. I will tell you what I know. It is this.

And THIRDLY, That, postponing the Catastrophe, and recommending the above two dates, 15th JULY, 15th AUGUST, to careful readers, we must hasten to Colberg for the present. Siege, we have chanced to see, there accordingly is, and a Platen gone to help against it.

"I was experimenting," he says, "on an automatic method of recording telegraph messages on a disk of paper laid on a revolving platen, exactly the same as the disk talking-machine of to-day. The platen had a spiral groove on its surface, like the disk.