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From the East comes up over the frozen Lake, the sun sending streaks of orange, red, yellow, all through the sky. Here and there are little clouds of soft greys and pinks, which look like the fluffy heads of young lettuce. Venus in the south, big and wonderful, fades out of sight when the last shades of night pass out of the sky.

Married a child still playing with her dolls, and sent at once to a convent to learn to read and write, she became a woman the instant her husband became a captive; while he watered his pinks in the garden at Vincennes, she went through France and raised an army for his relief. Her means were as noble as her ends.

The rain was a veritable windfall of good luck to her as well as myself, affording leisure to paint the floral treasures culled by the way. How those sweet sketches brightened the bare room! There was the golden thistle, the horned poppy, the fringed gentian, the blue pimpernel, the rare orobanche ramosa, the yellow salvia, and pinks in profusion.

He outdoes all the dandies, all the wits, all the scholars, and all the voluptuaries of the age an indefinite period of time between Queen Anne and George II. dines with Curll at St. John's Gate, pinks Colonel Charteris in a duel behind Montague House, is initiated into the intrigues of the Chevalier St.

So she gathered sweetbrier, and a leaf of sage and two or three pinks. "O Bobaday," said aunt Corinne this name being a childish corruption of Robert Day: for aunt Corinne two years younger than her nephew, and had talked baby talk when he prided himself on distinct English "you s'pose brother Tip's got a garden like this at the new place? Oh, the pretty little primroses!

There's no fly cops nor Pinks could do the work I do. They're pikers compared to me. They chase petty-larceny cases and kick in doors. I wouldn't stoop to what they do. It's being mixed up the way I am with the problems of two governments that catches me." He added magnanimously, "You see something of that yourself."

His eyes were keen, and the red pinks had gleamed from the straw on which the dying woman lay in the light of the lantern, whose long pole the sexton had thrust into the soft earth of the meadow. Those flowers must have come from the garden of the landlady of The Pike, and she valued her pinks more than anything else.

"What will you have for your room?" "Choose!" "Cornflowers and clove pinks. Poppies are too frivolous, and pinks too " "White," said Shelton. "And mignonette too hard and " "Sweet. Why cornflowers?" Antonia stood before him with her hands against her sides; her figure was so slim and young, her face uncertain and so grave. "Because they're dark and deep." "And why clove pinks?"

In the orchard were apples, pears, and melocotoons; in the garden, roses, pinks, primroses, daffodils, bachelor's-buttons, and asters of every hue. The morning sun streaming into the dining-room illumined the richly cut decanters upon the shelves of the buffet. Very attractive, suggestive of ease, comfort, and culture, was the library, with its books and several portraits in gilded frames.

Behind the church was a graveyard, where they often strolled on summer afternoons, through the tangle of grass and weeds and myrtle vines, to read the names on the tombstones and smell the pinks and lilies that struggled up year after year above the neglected mounds. But that was not their errand to-day. A little red bookcase inside the church was the attraction.