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Updated: August 15, 2024

She wanted a companion, and he loves to converse, Heaven knows; and he is sure of one thing he's almost certain, or as certain as we can be of anything in this life, that he will have the best pancakes that hands can make or spoons stir up. I learnt also from her letter Miss Bolster's, knee Plankses that Nony Piddock wuz a-goin into the ministery.

William Piddock, in 1728, devised his farm at Winson-green, about nine acres, to his wife Sarah, during life, and at her death, to his nephews and executors William and John Riddall, their heirs and assigns for ever, in trust, for educating and putting out poor boys of Birmingham; or other discretional charities in the same parish.

It is large and pointed, and bent: if the Cockle wishes to move quickly, it stretches out its foot from between the shells, as far as it will go. Then, by using all its power, it leaps backwards or forwards in a surprising manner. There are many other interesting molluscs, besides those we have looked at. The Piddock, or Pholas, is a smallish, rather delicate one, with a soft foot.

Piddock had been alive that he could say truly that he could sympathize with him in every respect, for that dear departed man had known, if anybody had, true connubial bliss." And then she brung up such piles of reminiscences of that man, that I felt as if I must sink under 'em. But I didn't; I managed to keep my head above 'em, and keep on a-breathin' as calm and stiddy as I could.

And Nony Piddock said, "It sickened a man to see so much vain orniment." And the Twin said, "It wuz perfectly beautiful to see it." And the rest of the boarders bein' agreed jest about as well on't, we set out for the Agricultural Hall in pretty good sperits. Wall, truly did Nony say that the orniments wuz impressive and overwhelmin'.

Their names wuz Algernon and Guenivere Piddock, but they called 'em Nony and Neny which wuz, indeed, a comfort to bystanders. Folks ort to be careful what names they put onto their children; yes, indeed. Neny wuz a very beautiful, good-appearin' young girl, and acted as if she would have had good sense, and considerable of it, if she hadn't been afraid to say her soul wuz her own.

Miss Piddock acted, and I believe wuz tickled, to see Mr. Freeman's happiness; for he didn't make any secret of it, and couldn't, if he wanted to. For radiant eyes and blissful smiles would have told the story of his joy, if his lips hadn't. Miss Piddock said that "if Mr.

Even Nony Piddock seemed to sort of onbend a little, and moisten up with the dew of charity his arid desert of idees a little mite, when he wuz around. And occasionally, when the bacheldor, whose name wuz Mr. Freeman, when he would, half in fun and half in earnest, answer Nony's weary and bitter remarks, once in a while even that aged youth would seem to be ashamed of himself, and his own idees.

She wuz a mourner for Old Piddock, that anybody could see with one eye, or hear with one ear that is, if they could understand the secrets of sithes; they wuz deep ones as I ever hearn, and I have hearn deep ones in my time, if anybody ever did, and breathed 'em out myself the land knows I have!

There wuz another widder there Miss Boomer; or I shouldn't call her a clear widder I guess she wuz a sort of a semi-detached one I guess she had parted with him. Wall, she cast warm smiles on Mr. Freeman awful warm, almost meltin'. Miss Plank didn't like Miss Boomer. Miss Piddock didn't want to cast no looks onto nobody, nor make no impressions.

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