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'You are to take despatches from us to Marshal Piccolomini in Bohemia, lay our condition before him in full, and get him to hasten to our assistance. The service is not without some danger, for you will have to make your way twice through the enemy's lines, and die rather than betray your secret. 'So I should suppose, replied Roller dryly.

COUNTESS. This suspense, This horrid fear I can no longer bear it. For heaven's sake tell me what has taken place? ILLO. The regiments are falling off from us. TERZKY. Octavio Piccolomini is a traitor. COUNTESS. O my foreboding! TERZKY. Hadst thou but believed me! Now seest thou how the stars have lied to thee.

Come, dearest! dry thy tears up. They deform Thy gentle eye. Well, now what was I saying? Yes, in good truth, this Piccolomini Is a most noble and deserving gentleman. COUNTESS. That is he, sister! Aunt, you will excuse me? COUNTESS. But, whither? See, your father comes! THEKLA. I cannot see him now. COUNTESS. Nay, but bethink you. THEKLA. Believe me, I cannot sustain his presence.

X. C. V. Goes With Her Mother to Brussels and From Thence to Venice, Where She Becomes a Great Lady My Work-girls Madame Baret I Am Robbed, Put in Prison, and Set at Liberty Again I Go to Holland Helvetius' "Esprit" Piccolomini The day after my interview with M. de Sartine I waited on Madame du Rumain at an early hour.

In the middle of winter, Torstensohn advanced against Freyberg, and for several weeks defied the inclemency of the season, hoping by his perseverance to weary out the obstinacy of the besieged. But he found that he was merely sacrificing the lives of his soldiers; and at last, the approach of the imperial general, Piccolomini, compelled him, with his weakened army, to retire.

Ye may trust safely. By the living God, Ye give him over, not to his good angel! A stranger left it, and is gone. The prince-duke's horses wait for you below. "Be sure, make haste! Your faithful Isolani." O that I had but left this town behind me. To split upon a rock so near the haven! Away! This is no longer a safe place For me! Where can my son be tarrying! OCTAVIO and MAX. PICCOLOMINI.

The trick was manifest, and many refused now to sign. Piccolomini, who had seen through the whole cheat, and had been present at this scene merely with the view of giving information of the whole to the court, forgot himself so far in his cups as to drink the Emperor's health. But Count Terzky now rose, and declared that all were perjured villains who should recede from their engagement.

Accordingly he was courted both by the Spanish and the French party, each desiring the election of a pope of their own nation. Caesar listened, promising nothing and refusing nothing: he gave his twelve votes to Francesco Piccolomini, Cardinal of Siena, one of his father's creatures who had remained his friend, and the latter was elected on the 8th of October and took the name of Pius III.

When it was first produced in Paris, Oct. 27, 1864, Christine Nilsson made her début in it. In London, the charming little singer Mme. Piccolomini made her début in the same opera, May 24, 1856. Adelina Patti, since that time, has not only made Violetta the strongest character in her repertory, but is without question the most finished representative of the fragile heroine the stage has seen.

From Brussels I went straight to the Hague, and got out at the "Prince of Orange." On my asking the host who sat down at his table, he told me his company consisted of general officers of the Hanoverian army, same English ladies, and a Prince Piccolomini and his wife; and this made me make up my mind to join this illustrious assemblage.