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Piccolomini pretended to be greatly astonished, and said that, "though he could not believe it, he would look into the matter." "You may look into it when you please," said I, "but in the mean time I should be obliged by your giving me five hundred florins." "You know me, sir," said he, raising his voice, "I guarantee to pay you, and that ought to be enough."

The example which had been set at Lintz, was universally followed; imprecations were showered on the traitor, and he was forsaken by all the armies. At last, when even Piccolomini returned no more, the mist fell from Wallenstein's eyes, and in consternation he awoke from his dream. Yet his faith in the truth of astrology, and in the fidelity of the army was unshaken.

In the midst of this band of cut-purses I saw the so-called wife of the pretended Chevalier de Sabi, a pretty woman from Saxony, who, speaking Italian indifferently well, was paying her addresses to the Countess Piccolomini.

Duke Friedland is as others, A fire-new noble, whom the war hath raised To price and currency, a Jonah's gourd, An over-night creation of court-favor, Which, with an undistinguishable ease, Makes baron or makes prince. Take her away. Let in the young Count Piccolomini. COUNTESS. Art thou in earnest? I entreat thee!

Harris was coming the next day to tea, and to go away early to see Piccolomini sing and sparkle. When we sat down that next day at the table, I poured the tea into a cup, and placed it on the prettiest little silver tray, and Polly handed it to Mrs. Harris as if she had done that particular thing all her life. "Beautiful!" said Mrs. Harris, as it sparkled along back; "one of your wedding-gifts?"

The Imperialists, under Leopold and Piccolomini, immediately hastened by Dresden to its relief, and Torstensohn, to avoid being inclosed between this army and the town, boldly advanced to meet them in order of battle.

These with a truly Spartan courage, defended themselves for four days behind an old wall, and gained time for Banner to escape. He retreated by Egra to Annaberg; Piccolomini took a shorter route in pursuit, by Schlakenwald; and Banner succeeded, only by a single half hour, in clearing the Pass of Prisnitz, and saving his whole army from the Imperialists.

There is a world of ironical pathos in those last words of the play: 'To Prince Piccolomini'. A very important element in the impression produced by Octavio, as also in that produced by Wallenstein himself, is the fact that we are made to try them not at the bar of worldly ethics, but before the tribunal of the heart as represented by the young idealist, Max.

Schiller has taken good care that one shall not think of his treason or of his weakness, but rather of his imposing personality. That Wallenstein produces such an impression is largely due to the character of his chief antagonist. Octavio Piccolomini is certainly one of Schiller's most notable minor studies.

This is a curious fact, for as a rule these bargellos are spies, liars, traitors, cheats, and misanthropes, for a man despised hates his despisers. At Sienna I was shewn a Count Piccolomini, a learned and agreeable man.