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These were Briconnet and Philippe de Luxembourg; and Piccolomini was authorised to promise a cardinal's hat to each of them. The result was just what Alexander had foreseen: his envoy could not gain admission to Charles, and was obliged to confer with the people about him. This was what the pope wished.

Accordingly he was courted both by the Spanish and the French party, each desiring the election of a pope of their own nation. Caesar listened, promising nothing and refusing nothing: he gave his twelve votes to Francesco Piccolomini, Cardinal of Siena, one of his father's creatures who had remained his friend, and the latter was elected on the 8th of October and took the name of Pius III.

But in the midst of these views and opening enterprises, Calixtus died, and Pius II. of Siennese origin, of the family of the Piccolomini, and by name AEneas, succeeded to the pontificate.

WALLENSTEIN. How hath Isolani declared himself? ILLO. He's yours, both soul and body, Since you built up again his faro-bank. WALLENSTEIN. And which way doth Kolatto bend? Hast thou Made sure of Tiefenbach and Deodati? ILLO. What Piccolomini does that they do too. WALLENSTEIN. You mean, then, I may venture somewhat with them? ILLO. If you are assured of the Piccolomini.

Possessing a fine military genius, unbounded means, and unscrupulous rapacity, and assisted by such generals as Tilly, Pappenheim, and Piccolomini, seconded by Maximilian, Duke of Bavaria, he soon reduced his enemies to despair. The King of Denmark was unequal to the contest, and sued for peace.

He has not betrayed me he could not betray me. I never doubted of it. TERZKY. It can't be. His father has betrayed us, is gone over To the emperor the son could not have ventured To stay behind. There he is! To these enter MAX. PICCOLOMINI. MAX. Yes, here he is!

Only Gallas is wanting still, and Altringer. BUTLER. Expect not Gallas. How so? Do you know Max. Piccolomini here? O bring me to him. The down was scarce upon his chin! I hear He has made good the promise of his youth, And the full hero now is finished in him. ILLO. You'll see him yet ere evening.

As soon as hostilities were recommenced, Wallenstein made a movement, as if he designed to penetrate through Lusatia into Saxony, and circulated the report that Piccolomini had already invaded that country. Arnheim immediately broke up his camp in Silesia, to follow him, and hastened to the assistance of the Electorate.

Since, however, this adventure has taught us that a single leader like Hassan sails with at least nine ships under his orders, it is clear that in future our galleys must not adventure singly among the islands. It was fortunate indeed that first Santoval, and then Piccolomini, arrived to your assistance. How was it that they happened to come up so opportunely?"

The above thoughts flashed through my head with lightning speed, and all that I could do was to keep calm and say, "Well, gentlemen, what can I do for you?" Wiedan took upon himself to answer me. "Count Piccolomini has found himself forced to declare that he received the forged bill from us, in order that he may escape from the difficult position in which your denunciation placed him.