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Returning to Jena he applied himself steadily to 'Wallenstein's Death', completing it finally in March. It was first played on the 20th of April, preceded at short intervals by the 'Camp' and 'The Piccolomini'. And great indeed was the poet's triumph, now that his achievement could be judged as a whole.

In the first is painted the scene when the said Pope Pius II was born to Silvio Piccolomini and Vittoria, and was called Æneas, in the year 1405, in Valdorcia, at the township of Corsignano, which is now called Pienza after the name of that Pope, who afterwards enriched it with buildings and made it a city; and in this picture are portraits from nature of the said Silvio and Vittoria.

As soon as hostilities were recommenced, Wallenstein made a movement, as if he designed to penetrate through Lusatia into Saxony, and circulated the report that Piccolomini had already invaded that country. Arnheim immediately broke up his camp in Silesia, to follow him, and hastened to the assistance of the Electorate.

Piccolomini as Arline; and also had the honor of being selected for the state performance connected with the marriage of the Princess Royal. The French version, under the name of "La Bohémienne," for which Balfe added several numbers, besides enlarging it to five acts, was produced at the Théâtre Lyrique, Paris, in December, 1869, and gained for him the Cross of the Legion of Honor.

NEUBRUNN. Help! Help! What now? NEUBRUNN. The princess! WALLENSTEIN and TERZKY. Does she know it? She is dying! BUTLER and GORDON. GORDON. What's this? BUTLER. She has lost the man she loved Young Piccolomini, who fell in the battle. GORDON. Unfortunate lady! BUTLER. You have heard what Illo Reporteth, that the Swedes are conquerers, And marching hitherward. GORDON. Too well I heard it.

Planned merely, 'tis a common felony; Accomplished, an immortal undertaking: And with success comes pardon hand in hand, For all event is God's arbitrament. The Colonel Piccolomini. Must wait. WALLENSTEIN. I cannot see him now. Another time. SERVANT. But for two minutes he entreats an audience Of the most urgent nature is his business. WALLENSTEIN. Who knows what he may bring us! I will hear him.

OCTAVIO and MAX. PICCOLOMINI. OCTAVIO. Well and what now, son? All will soon be clear; For all, I'm certain, went through that Sesina. I will procure me light a shorter way. Farewell. OCTAVIO. Where now? Remain here. MAX. To the Duke. What If thou hast believed that I shall act A part in this thy play, thou hast Miscalculated on me grievously. My way must be straight on.

A letter written two years later from the Baths at Petriolo by Pius II to Roderigo when the latter was in Siena whither he had been sent by his Holiness to superintend the building of the Cathedral and the Episcopal and Piccolomini palaces is frequently cited by way of establishing the young prelate's dissolute ways.

In the centre of this library the said Cardinal Francesco Piccolomini, nephew of the Pope, placed the three Graces of marble, ancient and most beautiful, which are still there, and which were the first antiquities to be held in price in those times.

In Ferdinand we have Schiller's favorite type of tragic hero, the fervid young enthusiast whose calamity grows out of his own strenuous idealism. He is, however, a less weighty character than Karl Moor, or Carlos, or Max Piccolomini, because we see in him nothing more than the infatuate lover.