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Why, one may expect to meet one's deceased ancestors at any hour of the day or night, provided only there be a screen for them to 'form' behind, and a light sufficiently subdued to prevent disintegration; with, of course, the necessary pigeon-hole for the display of their venerable physiognomies.

The different Physiognomies of the Italian Republics The Similarity of their Character as Municipalities The Rights of Citizenship Causes of Disturbance in the Commonwealths Belief in the Plasticity of Constitutions Example of Genoa Savonarola's Constitution Machiavelli's Discourse to Leo X. Complexity of Interests and Factions Example of Siena Small Size of Italian Cities Mutual Mistrust and Jealousy of the Commonwealths The notable Exception of Venice Constitution of Venice Her wise System of Government Contrast of Florentine Vicissitudes The Magistracies of Florence Balia and Parlamento The Arts of the Medici Comparison of Venice and Florence in respect to Intellectual Activity and Mobility Parallels between Greece and Italy Essential Differences The Mercantile Character of Italian Burghs The 'Trattato del Governo della Famiglia' The Bourgeois Tone of Florence, and the Ideal of a Burgher Mercenary Arms.

Luke, most of whom, judging by their physiognomies, were very commonplace people; a fact which makes itself visible in a portrait, however much the painter may try to flatter his sitter.

Ever accustomed to study the physiognomies of those around me, I contemplated theirs with peculiar attention, having discovered by their conversation that they were to be my companions on my journey to Paris; and it required no great powers of penetration to perceive that the elder was decided upon viewing all with a jaundiced eye, whilst the younger was disposed to be pleased and in good humour, with all around him.

Old soldiers have seen so many horrors in all lands, so many grinning corpses on battle-fields, that no physiognomies repel them; and Gouraud began to cast his eyes on the old maid's fortune. This imperial colonel, a short, fat man, wore enormous rings in ears that were bushy with tufts of hair. His sparse and grizzled whiskers were called in 1799 "fins."

Translated by Eleanor Marx-Aveling. We leave the highroad at a Boissière and keep straight on to the top of Leux hill, whence the valley is seen. The river that runs through it makes of it, as it were, two regions with distinct physiognomies all on the left is pasture land, all on the right arable.

Waiting for the loop-line train in the familiar tedium of Knype platform, staring at the bookstall, every item on which he knew by heart and despised, surrounded once more by local physiognomies, gestures, and accent, he thought to himself: "This is my lot. And if I get messing about, it only shows what a damned fool I am!"

The rule can well calm the sensuous nature, but not awaken human nature, the superior faculties: look at those flat and inexpressive physiognomies; the finger of nature has alone left there its impression; a soul inhabits these bodies, but it is a sluggish soul, a discreet guest, and, as a peaceful and silent neighbour who does not disturb the plastic force at its work, left to itself.

Here nodded the grave, purple-leaved pansies, legendary consolers of the heart, their little, quaint, expressive physiognomies turned in every direction; up to the sky, as though absorbing the sunlight, down to the ground, with an almost severe air of meditation, or curled sideways on their stems in a sort of sly reflectiveness.

To-day the problem grew clear to me as I stood on the terrace of the military hospital, in full view of the Alps, the weather fresh and clear in spite of a stormy sky. Such an intuition after all is nothing out a synthesis wrought by instinct, a synthesis to which everything streets, houses, landscape, accent, dialect, physiognomies, history, and habits contribute their share.