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I talked to people about Russia, but it was never Russia itself they seemed to care for it was women or drink or perhaps freedom and socialism, or perhaps some part of Russia, Siberia, or the Caucasus but my world they none of them believed in. It didn't exist they said.

And in the meantime, we shall be at Chickaree presently, perhaps you will give me, in a day or two, the assurance I have begged of you, and not drive me to extremities. 'Very well! she said, raising her head again, 'if you will have it in that shape!

Nay, it would perhaps be difficult to produce a passage from Ezekiel, from Aeschylus, or from Shakspeare, which would so profoundly startle the sense of sublimity as one or two of his incidents, which attended either the earthquake itself, or its immediate sequel in the sudden irruption of the Tagus.

Staples, waving aside the interruption with a smile of painful Christian tolerance, "or perhaps ten days I won't be too sure that the schoolmaster discovered that Johnny had in his possession two or three flakes of fine river gold each of the value of half a dollar, or perhaps sixty-two and one half cents.

How long can you stay?" "Love, I cannot stay at all. I am on General Jackson's errand. I must ride on to Gordonsville It would be sweet to stay!" "When will you come again?" "I do not know. There will be battles many battles, perhaps up and down the Valley. Every man is needed. I am not willing to ask even a short furlough."

Do not bother me again or I shall have you whipped." But Werper persisted. His liberty and perhaps his life depended upon his success. "Listen to me," he pleaded. "If I can give you as much gold as ten men may carry will you promise that I shall be conducted in safety to the nearest English commissioner?" "As much gold as ten men may carry!" repeated Abdul Mourak. "You are crazy.

Craddock and such of his men as were left out of that half-minute battle were scattered about the square in a more or less definite circle around the spot where Morgan lay behind his horse, the nearest to him being perhaps thirty yards away. The citizens of the town who had been resisting the raiders, had come rushing to the square at the diversion of the fight to that center.

For a while she stood motionless, and then she smiled "Why, of course. . . . There's your beaten track to find, and there's She who must be obeyed. And there's also. . . ." "The cigar with the band round it." Vane's hand dropped to his side. "Perhaps you're right. . . ." They strolled together towards Sir James. And it was just before they came within earshot that Vane spoke again.

As desirous to show you due civility, some of the persons, perhaps the oldest, would give assent to what you said, with some sign of acknowledgment of the importance of the concern. The assent would perhaps be expressed in a form meant and believed to be equivalent to what you had said.

When the charioteer left his seat, the reins could be attached to a loop or bar which projected from the front of the chariot-board. Chariots were constructed to contain two, or perhaps, in some instances, three persons. These consisted of the warrior, his charioteer, who stood beside him, and an attendant, whose place was behind, and whose business it was to open and shut the chariot doors.