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Updated: August 28, 2024

All which the countries will aford, and the soyle is apt to yeelde. The trees for the most in those South parts are Firre trees Pine and Cypresse, all yeelding Gumme and Turpentine. Cherrie trees bearing fruit no bigger than a small pease. Also peare trees but fruitlesse. Other trees of some sorts to vs vnknowen.

Could I shake those Chaines off I would cutt Capers: poore Dick Pike would dance though Death pip'd to him; yes, and spitt in your Hangman's face. Jay. Not too much of that nayther: some 2 dayes hence he will give you a choake peare will spoyle your spitting. Pike. Pheu! Jay.

Pounding the book with terrific energy, as if she wished to knock the stuffing out of it, she announced in thrilling tones: "'HAM A LETTE. By Will y am Shak es peare." "I suppose this is all right," thought the young clerk, a little dismayed at the fierce and sectional enunciation. When Fanny Kemble came to this scene the future Hamlet began to listen more intently.

These landes lye ouer against Tartarie, and I doubt not but that they stretch toward Asia, according to the roundnesse of the world. And in all these Countreys there are okes, and bortz, ashes, elmes, arables, trees of life, pines, prussetrees, ceders, great wall nut trees, and wilde nuts, hasel-trees, wilde peare trees, wilde grapes, and there haue bene found redde plummes.

Abundance of Whales, for which also is a very great trade in the bayes of Placentia and the Grand bay, where is made Traine oiles of the Whale: Herring the largest that haue bene heard of, and exceeding the Malstrond herring of Norway: but hitherto was neuer benefit taken of the herring fishing: There are sundry other fish very delicate, namely the Bonito, Lobsters, Turbut, with others infinite not sought after: Oysters hauing peare but not orient in colour: I tooke it by reason they were not gathered in season.

"Wassaile the trees that they may beare You many a plum and many a peare; For more or less fruits they will bring As you so give them wassailing." Our poets have as yet a better right to sing of cider than of wine; but it behooves them to sing better than English Phillips did, else they will do no credit to their Muse.

Pears he had in plenty, none the less he went, with a band of roisterers, and pillaged another man's pear tree. "I loved the sin, not that which I obtained by the same, but I loved the sin itself." There lay the sting of it! They were not even unusually excellent pears. "A Peare tree ther was, neere our vineyard, heavy loaden with fruite, which tempted not greatly either the sight or tast.

To your Gossips! This burthen would become a Chamber better. Wife. 'Tis a faire Peare. Prov. You long for't: pray you take it, You are priviledgd now to beg. Ha! charmes in't? stay, Give mee't. I would not for a thousand dollars This had byn undiscoverd. Pray you goe home; At night ile see you. Wife. You know my obedience And I must practise it. Prov.

One as if he had beene playning a clay floore stampingly troade the stage so harde with his feete, that I thought verily he had resolued to doe the Carpenter that sette it vp some vtter shame. Another floung his armes lyke cudgelles at a peare tree, in so much as it was mightily dreaded that hee woulde strike the candles that hung aboue theyr heades out of their sockets, and leaue them all darke.

our Interpeter informs that 70 Lodges one of 3 bands of Assinniboins & Some Crestinoes, are at the Mandan Village. The Crrirstinoes are abt. 300 men Speak the Chipaway-Language, the live near Fort De peare

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