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Updated: July 31, 2024

He was calling an order to his relief pilot. "Mac do ye break out two parachutes, me lad! Bring 'em up here, and shake a leg! No, there's nothin' to worry about divil a thing!" Then, into the transmitter, he shouted thickly as he switched the instrument on: "Jimmy, me bhoy, kape away! Kape away, I'm tellin' you, or ye'll have me Irish temper disturbed, and I'm a divil whin I'm roused!

There are also extremely swift messengers with spider-like legs and 'hands' for grasping parachutes, and attendants with vocal organs that could well nigh wake the dead. Apart from their controlling intelligence these subordinates are as inert and helpless as umbrellas in a stand. They exist only in relation to the orders they have to obey, the duties they have to perform.

"I'm afraid there will not be time," replied Gazen, shaking his head; "we shall fall much faster than we rose. The friction of the air against the car will generate heat. We shall drop down like a meteoric stone and be smashed to atoms." "We have parachutes," said Miss Carmichael, "do you think we shall be able to save our lives?" "I doubt it," answered Gazen sadly.

The umpire, on his patent wings, will hover here and there; the fans, with rented parachutes, will prance along the air; the joyous shrieks of flying sports will keep the welkin hot, and soaring cops will blithely chase the scorching aeronaut. We'll soon be living overhead, our families and all; and then we'll only need the earth to land on when we fall.

Chance decides where the seed shall fall, but it was not chance that gave wings to this and other seeds. The hooks and wings and springs and parachutes that wind-sown seeds possess are not matters of chance: they all show design. So here is design working in a hit-and-miss world. There are chance details in any general plan.

If they were slain when their friends if their theory was correct finally saw the space ship, they would die together. If by some miracle they were hurled into outer space and lived to use their parachutes well, the discomfort was a small price to pay to stay together. Now they devoted all their attention to their own situation. Four planes still spun warily above the space ship.

And now, when the crown has widened out to sun and air, it stops growing and bears its seeds seeds shaped like parachutes and canoes and sails and wings, to overcome the law of its own fixity life striving to surpass itself, as the symbolists and the scientists say, though symbolist and scientist would break each other's heads if you suggested that they both preach the very same thing.

And just as the old-fashioned steam-ships were provided with boats, in which the passengers were expected to take refuge, if the ship was about to sink, so the upper decks of these air-vessels are supplied with parachutes, from which are suspended boats; and in case of accident two sailors and ten passengers are assigned to each parachute; and long practice has taught the bold craftsmen to descend gently and alight in the sea, even in stormy weather, with as much adroitness as a sea-gull.

In 1845 came Cossus and his ascensional screws. In 1847 came Camille Vert and his helicopter made of birds' wings. In 1852 came Letur with his system of guidable parachutes, whose trial cost him his life; and in the same year came Michel Loup with his plan of gliding through the air on four revolving wings.

"The trouble is, though, that I can take only two of you, because I have only two extra parachutes." "We're not apt to need them, are we?" asked Frank. "Oh, of course, the chances are that we won't, seeing that we won't be attacked now by a hostile machine, as we would likely have been a few months ago," responded the other.

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