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Updated: August 19, 2024

But he bore the test without change of feature, and turning with perfect composure to his ex-confederate, he said: "As my sovereign has commanded me to deliver her reply, I must express my surprise at the extraordinary preliminaries presented by your excellency. His majesty of Prussia proposes an alliance of Russia with Turkey. "Good, Panin!" said Catharine, nodding her head.

"Your longing will be gratified to-day, Count Panin," said Count Haugwitz, with a proud smile, inviting the gentlemen, by a polite gesture, to take seats on the sofa, while he sat down in an arm- chair opposite them. "Yes, you will find to-day a good and nourishing diet, and I hope you will be content with the cook who has prepared it for you.

"Your excellency does not fear, then, lest this sudden return of the king should have any connection with our plans?" asked Panin.

This was a specimen of the empress's magnanimity; she had disgraced the princess, but she allowed her favourite minister to pay his court to her every evening. I have heard, on good authority, that Panin was not the princess's lover, but her father.

She had been exiled from the capital, because, having assisted Catherine to ascend the throne, she claimed to share it with her. I found the princess mourning for the loss of her husband. She welcomed me kindly, and promised to speak to M. Panin on my behalf; and three days later she wrote to me that I could call on that nobleman as soon as I liked.

Both these traitors, with Panin to truckle to them, are in league with Von Gortz to force you into a league destructive of Russian aggrandizement. Oh, my beloved! sun of my existence! mount into the heaven of your own greatness, and let not the cloud of intrigue obscure your light.

I know that the matter was thoroughly discussed yesterday between Count Panin and the Prussian ambassador." "The Prussian ambassador was yesterday in conference with Panin?" "Not only yesterday, but to-day, I met him coming from Panin's with his order of the Black Eagle, and a letter for your highness from the king." "Truly your spies are great detectives," cried Potemkin.

Singly, I do not fear them; but together Orloff is the loaded cannon, and Panin the lighted match, and if I am not wary " Here, as though he had felt the shock of the ball, Potemkin sprang from his seat, and swung his hands above his head. But presently he sank back into his chair, and continued his meditations. "I must spike Orloff before he destroys me.

The czarina turned from me to speak to M. Bezkoi, who had just come up, and as M. Panin left the garden I did so too, delighted with the honour I had had. The empress, who was a woman of moderate height and yet of a majestic appearance, thoroughly understood the art of making herself loved.

Let the grand duke be careful to utter no inconsiderate words, for the steppes of Siberia are as accessible to the prince as to the peasant; and every traitor, were he the heir of the crown itself, is amenable to justice before me! And Panin, with his eternal pratings of honesty and frankness, let him, too, beware, for he wavers on the edge of a precipice!"

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