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"It would have been better to send these sixty thousand men directly into the field, instead of losing time by useless parades," muttered Count Panin.

It shall not be said that I am flown in the hour when your noble head is endangered. I shall remain for your sake, for the peril is very great, Catharine." "Gracious Heaven, Gregory, what danger threatens me?" "You ask me such a question while Paul lives, and has Orloff and Panin for his accomplices, and Frederick for his friend?" "Oh, no, dear Gregory, your anxiety leads you into error.

I See the Empress My Conversations with Her The Valville I Leave Zaiya I Leave St. Petersburg and Arrive at Warsaw The Princes Adam Czartoryski and Sulkowski The King of Poland Theatrical Intrigues Byanicki I thought of leaving Russia at the beginning of the autumn, but I was told by M M. Panin and Alsuwieff that I ought not to go without having spoken to the empress.

"But that only means that Prussia needs me, and that," cried he, exultingly, "means that I am mightier than Panin, mightier than the grand duke but am I mightier than Orloff? Oh, this Orloff is the spectre that forever threatens my repose! He or I must fall, for Russia is too small to hold us both. But which one? Not I by the Eternal not I!"

The czarina turned from me to speak to M. Bezkoi, who had just come up, and as M. Panin left the garden I did so too, delighted with the honour I had had. The empress, who was a woman of moderate height and yet of a majestic appearance, thoroughly understood the art of making herself loved.

"I should be sorry to do so," I replied, "but as I can't find anyone to present me to her, I must be resigned." At last Panin told me to walk in a garden frequented by her majesty at an early hour, and he said that meeting me, as it were by chance, she would probably speak to me. I told him I should like him to be with her, and he accordingly named a day.

"I should be sorry to do so," I replied, "but as I can't find anyone to present me to her, I must be resigned." At last Panin told me to walk in a garden frequented by her majesty at an early hour, and he said that meeting me, as it were by chance, she would probably speak to me. I told him I should like him to be with her, and he accordingly named a day.

But to spike a cannon, one must be able to reach it; and Orloff is far away on his estates, like a spider in her wicked web. Oh, if I could but reach it, I would soon tear it to pieces! But where are its threads? How shall I find them? Panin, too, is getting intimate with the grand duke, and so, is currying favor with the empress.

His majesty wishes advice from your highness alone, although there are others who would gladly be consulted by him." "Others? you mean Panin have you, then, asked counsel of no one, count?" "Of no one. My sovereign wishes to consult with no one excepting your highness." For the first time Potemkin betrayed his satisfaction by a triumphant smile.

"Instead of a simple renewal of our mutual obligations, you wish to entangle us into alliances with Turkey! Count Panin, you are my minister. I therefore leave it to you to answer the Prussian ambassador as beseems the dignity and interest of my crown." She leaned back in her arm-chair, and bent a piercing glance upon the face of her minister.