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Have any of you seen the branded hand? Do you remember the names of Lovejoy and Torrey? Should any of your number be arrested, you must collect together as quickly as possible so as to outnumber your adversaries who are taking an active part against you. Let no able-bodied man appear on the ground unequipped or with his weapons exposed to view; let that be understood beforehand.

If we stand by one another we may fight them off, though they outnumber us a hundred to one. Besides it will soon be dark, and we may be able to escape!" Washington, Jack and Mark retreated toward the ship, in the direction of which the others had also made their way. The big men had gathered in a compact mass and were advancing on the adventurers.

But he also knew well that if this were done the odds would be fearfully against him, for Howe would then not only outnumber him very greatly, but there would be ample time for the British to act, and but a short distance to be covered.

In the city of Cattaro the Orthodox Church is still in a minority, but it is a minority not far short of a majority. Outside its walls, the Orthodox outnumber the Catholics. In short, when we reach Cattaro, we have very little temptation to fancy ourselves in Italy or in any part of Western Christendom.

But they have no nerves, these English. They grit their teeth, but they go on bravely, enduring everything. We run into experiences every day that melt you, and the heroic things we hear outnumber and outdo all the stories in all the books. I keep forgetting Xmas, Kitty, and this is my Xmas letter. You needn't put it in your stocking, but you'd really better burn it up.

"Do you see yonder dark line of water?" asked Captain O'Brien, grasping his friend's arm. "The pirate, after all, will get the wind before we do." "It cannot be helped. We must do our best, and trust in Providence," answered Captain Tracy. "Our men will prove staunch, and though the villains outnumber them, and their metal is heavier than ours, we may still beat them off."

Weazels are no match for them for what they lack in individual strength is amply compensated for by their numbers and in these hot countries they outnumber their enemies in the proportion of hundreds to one. Even cats are afraid of them; and in many parts of the world the cats will shy away from an encounter with Norway rats, choosing for their prey some victim of a milder disposition.

In a minute or so more a stern, hoarse voice rang out. "Halt! What is it, Garry?" "Got him, captain. 'Nother of them 'Paches. He won't carry back no news. Dead as a mackerel. Reckon they can't be far away now." "We've taken pretty good care of their scouts, anyhow." "Jest so many the less to fight when we come up with 'em. They'll outnumber us bad enough, I reckon, best we can make of it."

"Then you force me to retaliate," said Boyd. "I shall hire your men out from under you." Marsh laughed provokingly. "Try it! I am a good organizer if nothing else. If you send emissaries to my plants, it will cause certain violence and I think you had better avoid that, for we outnumber you ten to one." Stormy accusations and retorts followed, till Emerson left the place in helpless disgust.

Socialistic upheaval at Toulon. Sudden illness attended by coma attacked population this morning. peste foudroyante. Great numbers of dead in the streets. Paralysis of business and universal chaos. "An hour later came the following, from the same source: "'We are threatened with utter extermination. Cathedrals and churches full to overflowing. The dead outnumber the living.