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While they disputed they got hungry, and came to a compromise by first boiling and then baking the dish that was prepared. To the grand result of the double process his name being Simon and her's Nell the combined name of simnel was given. And thus from their happily-settled contention has come Shrewsbury's great cake, of which all England acknowledges the merit. From near Oldbury. 2.

"An' seem' you've taken on the rooms, sir," observed that lady, "I 'opes it's to be a case of 'say orrivar an' not good-bye." "I hope it is, Mrs. Oldbury," I replied. "I shall come back if I possibly can, but one never knows what may happen in life." She shook her head sombrely. "Ah, you're right there, sir.

Novelist, wrote some good novels, including Castle Daly, A Doubting Heart, and Oldbury, also books for children and educational works. Poet, s. of the chief servant at an inn in London, who m. his master's dau., and d. a man of some substance. He was sent to a school at Enfield, and having meanwhile become an orphan, was in 1810 apprenticed to a surgeon at Edmonton.

You can send me the wire first to say if any one has called, and then write me a line afterwards by post telling me what they were like and what they said." "I can do that orl right," she answered eagerly. "If they talks to Mrs. Oldbury I'll listen at the keyhole." I nodded. "It's a practice that the best moralists condemn," I said, "but after all, the recording angel does it."

Then, after ringing the bell and informing Mrs. Oldbury that I should be out to dinner, I left the house with the pleasantly vague intention of wandering up West until I found some really attractive restaurant.

He handed me the envelope, and I read the address. Mrs. Oldbury, 3, Edith Terrace, Nr. Victoria Station. "Very well," I said, getting up from my seat; "I understand I am to stop with Mrs. Oldbury and amuse myself spending the fifty pounds until I hear from you." He nodded. "Directly things are ready we shall let you know. Till then you are free to do as you like."

Perhaps they were possessed of the northern part of this parish, from Birmingham-heath to Shirland-brook, exclusive of many estates in the manors of Smethwick and Oldbury. Their decline continued many years, till one of them, in 1771, extinguished their greatness by a single dash of his pen, in selling the last foot of land. I know some of them now in distress.

I put in everything I possessed with the exception of Savaroff's discarded garments, for although I was keeping on the rooms I had no very robust faith in my prospects of ever returning to them. Then, ringing the bell, I despatched Gertrude to fetch me a taxi, while I settled up my bill with Mrs. Oldbury.

Oldbury wants ter know if yer'll be likin' a barf in the mornin'." "You can tell Mrs. Oldbury that the answer is yes," I said gravely. Then I paused. "What's your name?" I asked. She sniffed again, and looked at me with round, wondering eyes. "Gertie, sir. Gertie 'Uggins." I felt in my pocket and found a couple of half-crowns.

Then getting up from the table, I added: "You might tell Mrs. Oldbury I should like to see her." When that good lady arrived I acquainted her with the fact that I intended to leave her house in about two hours' time. Any resentment which she might have felt over this slightly abrupt departure was promptly smoothed away by my offer to take on the rooms for at least another fortnight.