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That Nilitch came here with Filipov, the landlord, a red beard, and my fellow had flown at me just then, so the landlord caught hold of him and pulled him about the room while he shouted 'It's not my fault, I'm suffering for another man's sin! So would you believe it, we all burst out laughing...."

Alexey Nilitch, who is a philosopher, has expounded the true God, the Creator, many a time to you, as well as the creation of the world and the fate that's to come and the transformation of every sort of creature and every sort of beast out of the Apocalypse, but you've persisted like a senseless idol in your deafness and your dumbness and have brought Ensign Erkel to the same, like the veriest evil seducer and so-called atheist...."

And would you believe it, Alexey Nilitch suddenly grew thoughtful, and scowled, just as he's doing now. 'Yes, said he, 'I have sometimes thought there was something strange. Take note, too, that if anything could have seemed strange even to Alexey Nilitch, it must really have been something, mustn't it?" "Is that true?" said Stepan Trofimovitch, turning to Alexey Nilitch.

You may ask whom you like, they all have the same idea in their heads, though it never entered anyone's head before. 'Yes, they say, 'he's mad; he's very clever, but perhaps he's mad too." Stepan Trofimovitch sat pondering, and thought intently. "And how does Lebyadkin know?" "Do you mind inquiring about that of Alexey Nilitch, who has just called me a spy?

"I had tea yesterday with that Alexey Nilitch," I observed. "I think he's mad on atheism." "Russian atheism has never gone further than making a joke," growled Shatov, putting up a new candle in place of an end that had burnt out. "No, this one doesn't seem to me a joker, I think he doesn't know how to talk, let alone trying to make jokes." "Men made of paper!

He caught hold of my coat, though I pulled myself away with all my might. "Tell her I'm a knight and the soul of honour, and as for that Dasha. .. I'd pick her up and chuck her out.... She's only a serf, she daren't..." At this point he fell down, for I pulled myself violently out of his hands and ran into the street. Liputin clung on to me. "Alexey Nilitch will pick him up.

Ten days ago he was walking barefoot, and now I've seen hundreds in his hands. His sister has fits of some sort every day, she shrieks and he 'keeps her in order' with the whip. You must inspire a woman with respect, he says. What I can't understand is how Shatov goes on living above him. Alexey Nilitch has only been three days with them.

"I should prefer not to speak of it," answered Alexey Nilitch, suddenly raising his head, and looking at him with flashing eyes. "I wish to contest your right to do this, Liputin. You've no right to drag me into this. I did not give my whole opinion at all. Though I knew Nikolay Stavrogin in Petersburg that was long ago, and though I've met him since I know him very little.

He was eating in a leisurely way and was already half drunk, but he was wearing his sheep-skin coat and was evidently ready for a journey. A samovar was boiling the other side of the screen, but it was not for Fedka, who had every night for a week or more zealously blown it up and got it ready for "Alexey Nilitch, for he's such a habit of drinking tea at nights."

As for the scandal about Darya Pavlovna, that was all nonsense, all that brute Liputin's misrepresentations, that this was anyway what Alexey Nilitch warmly maintained, and we had no grounds for disbelieving him. Stepan Trofimovitch listened to my assurances with an absent air, as though they did not concern him. I mentioned by the way my conversation with Kirillov, and added that he might be mad.