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And if I did become engrossed in the figures and entries before me, he was sure to trip me up with some act or speech of pleasantry. "Why don't you stick a nib on the end of your nose and write with it?" he inquired, as I was poring over an account-book in front of me, trying to make out the rather minute hieroglyphics contained therein.

When the order came over the wire for him to withdraw his Americans from the bridge, this infantry reserve officer whose previously most desperate battle, outside of a melee between the Bulls and Bears on Wall Street, had been to mashie nib out of a double bunkered trap on the Detroit Country Club golf course, as usual with him, took "plenty of sand."

He looked at the materials critically. There was paper, there was ink and there was a pen with a new nib in it, and blotting paper!... He drew a chair up to the table and sat down in front of the writing paper. He contemplated it for a long time while Mrs. MacDermott put away the remnants of his supper, and his Uncle Matthew sat by the fire watching him.

On the little writing-table near the middle window were first a small inkstand belonging to the hotel, then a few paper-weights covering memoranda jotted down on little square pieces of paper, about three inches long either way, together with an old yellowish newspaper which did duty as a blotting pad; and a pen with a 'j' nib and a very heavy ivory handle, so heavy, indeed, that though the master often offered it to me I could never write with it.

Even when, as he wrote, the ink was frozen, and he broke the nib of his pen as he dipped it, "There are really no hardships for the officers," he wrote home; "the men are the sufferers." Before he had been a month out, Gordon was put on duty in the trenches before Sebastopol, a great fortified town by the sea.

"Ah, Nib! but how if God charge them on thy back at the last?" "Good lack! a white lie or twain, spiced with a little matter of frowardness by times! My back is broad enough." "I am fain to hear it, for so is not mine." "Ah! thou art secular no marvel." "The angels come down from Heaven, to set thee every morrow in a bath of rose-water, trow?

If you look closely at the outside of a steel pen just above the nib, you will see that across it run tiny lines. They have a use, for they hold the ink back so that it will not roll down in drops, and they help to make the point more springy and easier to write with. The pen must be slit up from the point.

Millville waited in agonized suspense for three days for tangible evidence that "the nabob was in their midst," as Nib Corkins poetically expressed it; but the city folks seemed glued to the farm and no one of them had yet appeared in the village.

The cussedness of the inanimate was strong in this pen: since its reservoir was quite empty it mulishly refused more service without refilling. With a long-suffering sigh, Mr. Blensop found a filler in one of the desk drawers, and unscrewed the nib of the pen.

'Shall it be a hard or a soft nib? inquired Nicholas, smiling to prevent himself from laughing outright. 'He HAS a beautiful smile, thought Miss Squeers. 'Which did you say? asked Nicholas. 'Dear me, I was thinking of something else for the moment, I declare, replied Miss Squeers. 'Oh! as soft as possible, if you please. With which words, Miss Squeers sighed.