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Updated: August 6, 2024

"But why, I'd have said she was fond of you, Mr. Herrick. Miss Mullett and I were talking it over just the other day. Old busy-bodies, I suppose you'd call us. But what did she say if that isn't an impertinent question, sir." "Well, it seems that there's some one else." "Never!" "Yes. I don't know why there shouldn't be."

Coventry's not being with us. So up and to supper with Sir W. Batten upon a soused mullett, very good meat, and so home and to bed. 24th. So to Westminster Hall, and there at Mrs. Michell's shop sent for beer and sugar and drink, and made great cheer with it among her and Mrs. Howlett, her neighbour, and their daughters, especially Mrs.

Hume and Crooker were on the north side of the river confronting Laws; McKenon was at Prince Edwards; the cavalry column was moving in the direction of Appomattox Station; the second and Sixth Corps were moving to the north side of the river to attack the next day; Mullett was pushed to the south side to Buffalo Station; the Fifth and Twenty-fourth Corps were moving on Prospect Station, south of the river, to prevent Laws from escaping in that direction; Orden was following Sherlin, having taken with him Griffith, with instructions to attack the head of Laws's column.

"Then why can't you write your story? Oh, you can't fool me, my dear!" Eve turned a disdainful back and picked up her pen, resentful of the warmth that she felt creeping into her cheeks. Miss Mullett smiled and drew a new thread from the skein. "You observe," said Wade the next morning, "I come through the gate in the hedge."

She sat there a long time, while the shadows shortened and the birds grew silent, one by one, and the noonday hush fell over the old garden; sat there until Miss Mullett came to the kitchen door and summoned her to luncheon. Wade rolled a vest into a tight wad and tucked it into a corner of the till. Then he glanced around the sitting-room, saw nothing else to pack, and softly dropped the lid.

Mullett, being in the advance, came upon the enemy at Deep Run, on the 3d of April, and then a battle ensued, in which the rebels were defeated and put to flight. The road was strewn with caissons, ammunition, clothing, and all kinds of material used by an army. "This was evidence of the great demoralization of the enemy.

In the matter of alterations to the house Eve was consulted on every possible occasion, while garden improvements were placed entirely in Miss Mullett's capable hands. That lady was in her element, and for a week or more one could not pass the cottage without spying Miss Mullett and Zenas Third hard at work somewhere about.

"Do you realize, Carrie, that the only eligible man we know here is Doctor Crimmins? And he's old enough to be father to both of us." "The Doctor plays a very good hand of cribbage," replied Miss Mullett, approvingly. And then triumphantly: "I have it, dear!" "What?" "The Doctor shall call on Mr. Herrick and bring him to see us!" "Splendid!" laughed Eve.

"You didn't make a mistake, you dear thing. Your mistake would have been to marry. You'd never have been contented with just one man, Carrie; you know you think every one you meet is perfectly beautiful." "Because I haven't one of my very own," replied Miss Mullett, tranquilly. "I made a great mistake in not marrying. I would have been happier married, I'm sure.

"I hereby agree to tell you before I leave Eden Village the name of my mine, and you agree to tell me why why " "Why you are to come to see us by way of the gate in the hedge. Agreed, signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of Miss Caroline Mullett and Doctor Joseph Crimmins." "Eh?" asked the Doctor. "What's that? I heard my name spoken, didn't I?"

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