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The letter of denial is in his perfectly natural hand; these two letters should therefore be consistent with each other. The signature of the Morey letter is a clumsy imitation of General Garfield's autograph.

Arcot and Morey were both intensely interested in the discussion, while Torlos, slightly bored by a subject he knew next to nothing about, was examining the rest of the observatory. Suddenly, he cried out in warning, and leaped a full thirty feet over the rock floor to gather Arcot and Morey in his great arms. There was a sharp, distinct snap of a pneumatic pistol, and the thud of a bullet.

After the two older men had been shown all through the intergalactic vessel, the elder Arcot turned to his old friend. "Morey, it looks as if it was time for us to leave the Ancient Mariner to her pilots!" "I guess you're right. Well I'll just say goodbye but you all know there's a lot more I could say." Morey senior looked at them and started toward the airlock.

"Dick, why is it he didn't use all his rockets at first instead of gradually increasing the power this way?" "If you were operating the ship, Morey, you'd understand. Look at the speedometer a moment and see if you can figure it out." "Hmmm 4.5 miles per second buzzing right along but I don't see what that good Lord! We never will get him at this rate! How do you expect to get him?"

"We're about to start on the first cruise, and I've been wondering if it isn't time we gave the ship a name." "Great I'd been thinking of that too what are we going to name her?" "Well," said Arcot, "I had been thinking of Alexander he longed for other worlds to conquer!" "Not bad," Morey commented.

Take a sight on the diameter of the Island, as seen from here, Morey. Then we will travel ten seconds, and look again." Half a million light years from the center of the Island now, the great disc spread out over the vast space behind them, apparently the size of a dinner plate at about thirty inches distance, it was more than two hundred and fifty thousand light years across.

He has to have muscles to move that skeleton around." "He's got muscles, all right," Morey grinned. "But I see what you mean; muscles that big should tire easily, and his don't seem to. He seems tireless; I watched him throw those men one after another like bullets from a machine gun. He threw the last one as violently as the first and those men weighed over three hundred pounds!

"Come on, though, Morey give me a hand I got you off dead center." Fuller flailed his hand helplessly. "Use your brains, if you have any," said Morey, "and see what you can do. Come on, Wade we're going." Since they were going to use the space control, they would remain in free fall, and Fuller would remain helplessly suspended in mid-air.

But in the exact gravitational center of the quarter of a million ton ship was a single high coil of different design that distorted space around it as well as the space within it. This, as Morey explained, was the control that altered the constants of space to suit. The coils were charged, and the energy stored.

Atoms of this weight, if breaking up, would form two or more atoms that would exist in our space, then these would be unstable, and break down further into normal atoms. We don't know. "And one more substance," continued Morey as he opened the relay once more. Arcot sat down and rested his head in his hands.