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We get some gravity, some magnetic, and some electrostatic field distortion, too. You can see what happens when they don't leak their energy back into the coil. "But we're busy with the instruments; leave the motorman alone!" Morey was calling loudly for tests.

"What we must find," said Arcot, between contented puffs, for he had slept well, and his breakfast had been good, "is some weapon which will attack them, but won't attack us. The question is, what is it? And I think, I think I know." His eyes were dreamy, his thoughts so cryptically abbreviated that not even Morey could follow them.

The machine was perfectly clean, and extremely hot. "And your ship is made of that stuff!" exclaimed the Talsonian scientist. "What will destroy it?" "Your weapon will, apparently." "But do you believe that we have power enough?" asked Morey with a smile. "No it's entirely too much. Can you tone that condensed lightning bolt down to a workable level?"

They landed, and Arcot, Morey and Wade, with the aid of Zezdon Afthen and Zezdon Fentes worked steadily for two of their days of fifty hours each, teaching men how to make and use the molecular ships, and the rays and screens, heat beams, and relux. But Arcot promised that when he returned he would have some weapon that would bring them certain and easy salvation.

We're turning around!" came Arcot's voice, full of suppressed mirth. Suddenly they were both plastered against the wall of the ship under four gravities of acceleration! Unable to walk, they could only crawl laboriously toward the control room, calling to Arcot to shut off the power. When Morey had left him stranded in the library, Arcot had decided it was high time he got to the floor.

Melton sailed to Serra Bay, loaded his cargo of rice, and instead of returning to Batavia, went to the Isle of France and there cheerfully sold it. Suddenly, however, he and the Portland disappeared, and Elizabeth Morey, as we have mentioned, accompanied him.

They called for the scientists whose work had made possible their successful resistance of the marauders: Arcot, Morey and Wade. They found them working in the Arcot Laboratories. "Wade," called Arcot tensely as he snapped the switch of the televisophone, "bring Morey and meet me at the machine on the roof at once. That was a call from Washington. I'll explain as soon as you get there."

"The most probable one is the next inner planet, Aphrodite," replied Morey. Arcot fired the ship into the sky. "If your conclusions are correct and I think they are I see no reason to stay on this planet. Let's go see if their neighbors are less aggressive!" With that, he shot the ship straight up, rotating the axis until it was pointing straight away from the planet.

Miss Katharine Morey of Boston was also knocked to the pavement by a sailor, who took her flag and then darted off into the crowd. Miss Elizabeth Stuyvesant was struck by a soldier in uniform and her blouse torn from her body. Miss Maud Jamison of Virginia was knocked down and dragged along the sidewalk. Miss Beulah Amidon of North Dakota was knocked down by a sailor.

He had awakened Wade and told him what had happened, and they were on their way to wake up Fuller, when suddenly the air of the ship crackled around them! The space was changing! They were coming out of hyperspace! In amazement, Morey and Wade looked at each other. They knew that Arcot was still floating helplessly in the middle of the room, but "Hold on, you brainless apes!