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The Thought outside had been left on locked controls, but the apparatus Morey had installed responded to his thoughts from this distance. Before them in the room appeared a cube that was obviously copper. It stayed there but a moment, beaming brightly, then there was a snapping of energies about them and it dropped to the floor and rang with the impact!

Perhaps it was the fact that he did sell these inventions to Transcontinental that made these lines so successful; but at any rate, President Arthur Morey was duly grateful, and when his son was able to enter the laboratories he was as delighted as Arcot. The two had become boon companions. They worked, played, lived, and thought together. Just now they were talking about the Pirate.

At last the complete apparatus was set up, and the tiny bit of light-matter they were to work on was placed on the table of a powerful Atchinson projector microscope, the field of view being in the exact center of the field of both the magnet and the coil. Carefully, then, step by step, Arcot, Morey and Wade went over their work, checking and rechecking.

Well, I wonder if one of you could tell me just what it was we hit? I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to think." "Don't take the chance now, then," grinned Morey. "You might strain your brain." "Please!" Fuller pleaded, wincing. "Not before breakfast. Just explain what that storm was." "We simply came to a region in space where cosmic rays are created," explained Arcot. Fuller frowned.

Arcot drove the ship, shooting, twisting upward; Wade and Morey kept firing the molecular beams with precision. The pale rays reached out to touch the battleship, and wherever they touched, the ships went down in wreckage, falling to the city below. In spite of the odds against it, the Ancient Mariner was giving a good account of itself.

"Brilliant idea, Morey," said Arcot disgustedly. "It'll be a nice job breaking it loose." Morey stuck the lux metal bar in the top clamp, walked off some distance, and snapped on the power. The rock immediately about the machine was molten again. A touch of the molecular pistol to the lux metal bar, and the machine jumped free of the molten rock. Morey shut off the power.

Arcot stopped and stood looking out of the window. Morey broke the silence. "The Ancient Mariner." He paused. "'Alone' will certainly be right. I think that name takes all the prizes." Fuller nodded slowly. "I certainly agree. The Ancient Mariner. It's kind of long, but it is the name." It was adopted unanimously.

"Do you see now why the law of action and reaction is apparently flouted? Actually the reaction is taken up by space." Arcot rose, and stretched. Morey and Wade had been looking at him, and now they asked when he intended leaving for the intergalactic spaces. "Now, I think. We have a lot of work to do.

They started for the observatory. Morey joined them and Arcot put the view of Sol and his family on the telectroscope screen. He increased the magnification to maximum, and the four men looked eagerly at the system. The sun glowed brilliantly, and the planets showed plainly.

He flew up to the top of it and viewed it from above. The whole globe was a carefully chiseled relief map, showing seas, mountains, and continents. "Arcot come here a minute," called Morey. Arcot dropped down to where Morey was looking at the globe. On the edge of one of the continents was a small raised globe, and around the globe, a circle had been etched.