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But what will not a man go through for his friend? "I hope we are to have the honour of your company as far as Monkton Grange the day we meet there," he said. The hounds were to meet at Monkton Grange, some seven miles from Noningsby, and all the sportsmen from the house were to be there. "I shall be delighted," said Sophia, "that is to say if a seat in the carriage can be spared for me."

The spasm of mortal agony convulses his features; but I know them for the features of a swarthy man who twice frightened me by taking me up in his arms when I was a child at Wincot Abbey. I asked the nurses at the time who that man was, and they told me it was my uncle, Stephen Monkton.

I looked again to windward. The one little cloud had enlarged to a great bank of murky vapor, and the sea at the horizon had changed in color. "The squall will be on us before we know where we are," said the captain. "Go below; you will be only in the way here." I descended to the cabin, and prepared Monkton for what was coming.

"Or attendin' a reunion of the Rough Riders...." "Or goin' huntin' bear...." "Or swearin' off his taxes...." "Instead of goin' all the way to the effete East Monkton says he's going clear to Boston...." The two drivers held each other apart at arm's length, and fell limply together again. For Josiah Childs' outfit was all their actions connotated.

I felt Monkton trembling all over as he sat close at my side, and heard him repeating to himself, sadly, and many times over, the name of "Ada." I tried to turn his thoughts to another subject, but it was useless. He pointed over the sea to where the brig had once been, and where nothing was left to look at but the rolling waves. "The empty place will now remain empty forever in Wincot vault."

Stephen Monkton had been brought to Wincot, his coffin would have been placed there." A chill came over me, and a sense of dread which I am ashamed of having felt now, but which I could not combat then. The blessed light of day was pouring down gayly at the other end of the vault through the open door. I turned my back on the empty niche, and hurried into the sunlight and the fresh air.

You are mistaken, my dear Monkton! Your description of the gaiety of "the season" gives me no emotion. You speak of pleasure; I remember no labour so wearisome; you enlarge upon its changes; no sameness appears to me so monotonous. Keep, then, your pity for those who require it. From the height of my philosophy I compassionate you.

"Certainly, mounseer; we'll put you aboard in a jiffy as soon as we gets a breeze to help us along," said Tom. We pulled round Blockhouse Point, along shore, till we came off Fort Monkton, when opening Stokes Bay, the wind hauling a little to the westward, we made sail and stood for Spithead.

Call my state what you will, trance or catalepsy, I know that I remained standing by the window utterly unconscious dead, mind and body until the sun had set. Then I came to my senses again; and then, when I opened my eyes, there was the apparition of Stephen Monkton standing opposite to me, faintly luminous, just as it stands opposite me at this very moment by your side."

Monkton Combe is a village 1 m. W. of Limpley Stoke Station, with a church that has been entirely rebuilt. Monkton, West, a parish 4 m. N.E. of Taunton, which gets its name from the fact that the monks of Glastonbury owned property in it. The nave has a clerestory, and a good oak cornice. In the churchyard are the parish stocks. Montacute, 4 m. There are several places of interest in or near it.