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Updated: August 7, 2024

He would wait for his host's conversation, which would doubtless be of the essence of historical romance. 'The favourable Bank-returns have made the money-market much easier to-day, as I learn? said Sir William. 'O, have they? said Somerset. 'Yes, I suppose they have.

He saw his brother's success, and contemplated the grandeurs of the gothic villa in a cynical rather than an envious spirit. How long would it all last? How long would the stockbroker float triumphantly onward upon that wonderful tide which is constituted by the rise and fall of the money-market?

Stabbed in his touchiness, he wrote for all his scrip to be handed over to him; and thereafter loss and gain depended on himself alone. It certainly brought a new element of variety into his life. The mischief was, he could get to his study of the money-market only with a fagged brain. And the fear lest he should do something rash or let a lucky chance slip kept him on tenter-hooks.

Before long, his loan to Morphew was converted into an investment; he became a partner in the concern, which, retaining the name of the old proprietor, they carried on as Den bow & Co. The redemption of his debentures kept him still occupied with a furtive study of the money-market.

He fell into the old way, and treated his companion with that haughty affability which a monarch may be supposed to exhibit towards his prime favourite. "Drink your wine, Wilmot," he exclaimed; "don't sit meditating there, as if you were a great speculator brooding over the stagnation of the money-market. I want bright looks, man, to welcome me back to my native country.

It was not entirely the pressure of that commercial stagnation which weighed on the spirits of Philip Sheldon. The stockbroker was tormented by private doubts and uncertainties which had nothing to do with the money-market. On the day after Valentine's journey to Ullerton, Mr. Sheldon the elder presented himself at his brother's office in Gray's Inn.

Every dollar gained was like something brought ashore from a mysterious deep; every venture made was like a diver's plunge; and as he thrust his bold hand into the plexus of the money-market he was delightedly aware of how he shook the pillars of existence, turned out men, as at a battle-cry, to labour in far countries, and set the gold twitching in the drawers of millionaires.

The money-market, the table, the sex, constituted the other occupations and amusements with which Lord Lilburne filled up his rosy leisure. Another way by which this man had acquired reputation for ability was this, he never pretended to any branch of knowledge of which he was ignorant, any more than to any virtue in which he was deficient.

He gave many such entertainments at home and abroad; but they were all given to men who were likely to be useful to him to rich men, or the toadies and hangers-on of rich men, the grand viziers of the sultans of the money-market. Such a thing as pleasure or hospitality pure and simple had no place in the plan of Mr. Sheldon's life. The race in which he was running was not to be won by a loiterer.

He felt like one who meddles with something forbidden who pries, shamefaced, into the secrets of an odious vice. To study the money-market gave him a headache. He had to go for a country walk, to bathe and change his clothes, before he was at ease again.

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