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That marks the cleft, the incurable gulf of difference between a people like the Tuscans with art in their marrow, and our present selves with our touching reliance upon a most unseemly hunger after facts. I suppose I should be stretching a point if I said that Samson Agonistes was cosa molto piacevole ed utile.

If we admit the justice of Bacon's censure, we admit it with regret, similar to that which Dante felt when he learned the fate of those illustrious heathens who were doomed to the first circle of Hell: "Gran duol mi prese al cuor quando lo 'ntesi, Perocche gente di molto valore Conobbi che 'n quel limbo eran sospesi."

It so happened that Paolo took a severe cold one winter's day, and had such threatening symptoms that he asked the baker, when he called, to send the village physician to see him. In the course of his visit the doctor naturally inquired about the health of Paolo's master. "Signor Kirkwood well, molto bene," said Paolo. "Why does he keep out of sight as he does?" asked the doctor.

It is most ingeniously contrived, and the effects are divided with unusual impartiality among the instruments. A curious and elaborate allegro molto furnishes the finale, and ends the "Nonet" surprisingly with an abrupt major chord.

With a little encouragement Vincenzo is finally prevailed upon to give us the whole story, which is evidently of somewhat recent date. Once upon a time there were four men, one of them being a priest, who lived in Vico, and one of these men had often been told by his father that in the forests near the top of Monte Sant’ Angelo there lay buried a chest full of goldmolto! molto!

He is fierce as a bird, and hard with energy as a thunderbolt. He will dance with the blonde signora. But he never speaks. He is like some violent natural phenomenon rather than a person. The woman begins to wilt a little in his possession. 'E bello il ballo? he asked at length, one direct, flashing question. 'Si molto bello, cries the woman, glad to have speech again.

And coming, as I then did, from the sun-baked river-beds of Calabria, this place, with its broad and well-paved streets, its glittering cafes and demure throng of evening idlers, seemed a veritable metropolis, a world-city. With deliberate slowness, ritardando con molto sentimento, I worked my way to the familiar restaurant. At last!

This themal manner is quite analogous to the harmonic style of Franck, a kaleidoscope of gradual steps, a slow procession of pale hues of tone that with strange aptness reflect the dim religious light of mystic musing. More and more expressive are the stages of the first figures until we have a duet molto cantabile in the strings.

Ashe was now tolerably conversant with shopping Italian, which consists chiefly of a few words repeated many times over, and it lowered rapidly under the influence of her troppo's and e molto caro's, accompanied with telling little shrugs and looks of surprise. In the end she bought it for less than two thirds of what had been originally asked for it.

Lucia dropped her voice as she spoke to him, and put in a good deal of Italian for fear she might be overheard. "Non cognosce anybody?" she asked. "I tablieri, I mean. And are we all to sit in the aula, while the salone is being got ready?" "Si," said Georgie. "There's a fire. When you go out, keep them there. I domestichi are making salone ready." "Molto bene.