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"He allowed he'd break the rupe after he'd walked on it, and he said it wasn't stretched tight enough, and went along a feeling of it; and Misc Somers found out every time he teched of it he put on some bluestone water or somethin' else to rot it, so, of course, he bruke it easy. But Misc Somers's going to tell him, if he comes agin, he's a mountin-bank. Lord sakes! she ain't afraid."

Gibbon wrote to Holroyd Misc. Works, ii 126: 'Never pretend to allure me by painting in odious colours the dust of London. But for the old, the infirm, the straightened in fortune, the grave in character or in disposition, I do not believe a much worse place can be found. Ib. iv. 250. 'Nescio qua natale solum dulcedine captos Ducit, et immemores non sinit esse sui. Ovid, Ep. ex Ponto, i. 3. 35.

Scott sent a biographical notice of the Duke of York to the Weekly Journal on this day. It is now included in the Misc. Prose Works, vol. iv. pp. 400-416. Gifford's Mæviad, 12mo, Lond. 1797; Ode to Rev. John Ireland, slightly altered. William Gifford, editor of the Anti-Jacobin in 1797, and the Quarterly from 1809 to 1824. His political opponent, Leigh Hunt, wrote of him in 1812:

He jest washed the chork over with a little shell or varnish or something, and, of course, it bruke right easy; so he wasn't the strongest man in the world at all, and if Misc Somers ever see him, she'll tell him so." "Is it a little or a large house, Rhoda?"

"My dear child, what possessed you to ride this October morning only half dressed? You might catch your death." Rhoda caught her nose on the half sniffle, raised and dimpled her cheeks in a sly laugh, and cried, "Lord sakes! you mean my legs? Why, I ain't got but two pairs of stockings, an' Misc Somers is a wearin' one of' em, and the ould pair's in the wash.

King John, Act iv. So. 2. Archibald, second Lord Douglas, who died in 1844. John Greenshields, self-taught sculptor. See Life, vol. ix. p. 281-288. He died at the age of forty in 1835. As You Like It, Act II. Sc. 3. Sir Henry Seton Steuart's work on Planting was reviewed by Scott in the Quarterly. See Misc. Prose Works, vol. xxi. Sir H. Steuart died in March 1836.

Croker, attracted much notice, and was, by the Government of the time, expected to neutralise the effect of the northern lucubrations the proposed measure, as regarded Scotland, was ultimately abandoned, and that result was universally ascribed to Malachi Malagrowther." Scott's Misc. Works, vol. xxi. Winter's Tale, Act iv. Sc. 2, slightly altered. The late Mr.

It's so tejus to knit stockings, and sech fun to go barefoot, that I don't wear' em unless Misc Somers finds it out. Why, the boys can't see me!" She grimaced again so naturally and engagingly that Vesta had to laugh quite aloud, and saw meantime that the young woman's oft-cobbled shoes covered a slender foot a lady might have envied.

He lived up at Cape Hinlupen, an' Misc Somers see him thar when she was a buyin' of herring thar. She's goin' to tell him, when she catches him at Nu-ark." The young rector observed the flash of those bright eyes following the pleasing dimples, and the slips of orthography seemed to him never less culpable coming from such lips and teeth.

Did you ever see him?" Vesta said, "No, dear." "I saw him," Rhoda said, with a compression of her mouth and a gleam of her eyes. "He bruke a stone with his fist and Misc Somers kep the stone, and what do you think it was?" "Marble?" "No'm; chork!