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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Will you oblige me with the street and number of the house?" "Certainly; but she can scarcely get here before mid-day now. Her trains are all arranged." "The name of the street and number of the house, if you please, Maria." "Vere Street, No. 30. But she can't be here before twelve or one to-morrow, Andrew." "She is never to come here.

The joy of M. d'Orleans upon finding he had been deceived was great indeed; and when we separated from him after mid-day, in order to go to dinner, I saw that a point was gained. A little before three o'clock I returned to M. d'Orleans, whom I found alone in his cabinet with Besons.

These precipices must have been some thousand feet high; and the whole formed a mountain gorge far more magnificent than anything which I had ever before beheld. Until the mid-day sun stood vertically over the ravine, the air felt cool and damp, but now it became very sultry. Shaded by a ledge of rock, beneath a facade of columnar lava, we ate our dinner.

The local Catholic Bishop appreciated the gravity of the situation when he suspended the Church's law against the use of meat on Fridays. But we had yet fourteen ounces of bread to preserve us, the whole of which ration was sometimes polished off by mid-day meal time. There could be no modification in that direction. Fourteen ounces of bread was needed to sustain life.

Observ'st thou not the dead? The morning warmth from them has fled, Their mid-day joy and toil are o'er, Though near, they meet fond friends no more." He paused and looked wildly yet tremblingly round, as if in search of some one, but took no notice of his friends, many of whom were present at the gathering. Then he continued in the same strain

Meanwhile, if you'll excuse me, I'll have a look at the larder." Without a doubt, he reasoned, Aurore would have left their mid-day meal ready. She would not return, he knew, until the guest had gone. In the little overheated cook-house he found the meal set out. All was in order.

He loved the very quarries of Carrara, those strange grey peaks which even at mid-day convey into any scene from which they are visible something of the solemnity and stillness of evening, sometimes wandering among them month after month, till at last their pale ashen colours seem to have passed into his painting; and on the crown of the head of the David there still remains a morsel of uncut stone, as if by one touch to maintain its connexion with the place from which it was hewn.

"The mighty Dhrishtaketu, excited with wrath, speedily pierced the son of Somadatta, O king, with ninety shafts in the chest. And the son of Somadatta looked highly resplendent with those shafts on his chest, like the sun, O king, with his rays at mid-day.

There followed a month of constant hard work, riding-drill, gun-drill, stable work, and every sort of manual labour, until the last details of the mobilization were complete, uniforms and kit received, the guns packed and despatched; and all that remained was to ride our horses to the Albert Docks; for our ship, the Montfort, was to sail at mid-day.

She has been lying in anguish since mid-day yesterday twenty-four hours now, sir. I started at dawn this morning, but both wind and tide were against me, and I have been waiting here some time. Be quick, doctor. Mon Dieu! if she should be dead!" The poor fellow's voice faltered, and his eyes met mine imploringly.

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