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This is the way we keep the promise coming out here. Early yesterday morning we received a note from Eliza Haynes, one of our indefatigable agents, saying her grandmother, Mrs. McCay, had consented to receive us, and would come for us in the evening. Immediately my packing task was begun.

As there was ample food and water in the storehouse to last for several days, the besieged had no worries on that score. McCay knew, though, and Kid Wolf realized, that nightfall would bring trouble. Hardy was stung now by the loss of several men, and he would not do things by halves. He would show no mercy. The first casualty took place in midafternoon.

Soon it became dark, and the moon would not be up for an hour. Kid Wolf, Tip McCay, and their four companions were never more alert. But even their keen eyes could not watch everything. Young McCay was very pale. His father's death had touched him deeply, and fury against his killers burned in his glance. The others, too, were grim, thinking not of their own peril, but of the murderous Hardy gang.

Old Beef McCay was in the act of reloading a gun when a treacherous bullet zipped spitefully through an opening between two logs and caught him low in the chest. The impact sent him staggering against the wall, his round, moonlike face white and drawn. "Dad!" called out Tip, in an agony of grief. He and Kid Wolf rushed to the wounded man, supporting his great weight as it slowly sagged.

But, after all, he does have off days sometimes. 'You need to have a very off day to be as bad as Archie. They sat and smoked in silence. 'I've got it, said Sigsbee suddenly. 'Gossett is a fine golfer, but nervous. If we upset his nerves enough, he will go right off his stroke. Couldn't we think of some way? McCay reached out for his glass. 'Yours is a noble nature, Sigsbee, he said.

Archibald was on the floor of his bedroom one afternoon, picking up the fragments of his mirror a friend had advised him to practise the Walter J. Travis lofting shot when the telephone bell rang. He took up the receiver, and was hailed by the comfortable voice of McCay, the club secretary. 'Is that Mealing? asked McCay. 'Say, Archie, I'm putting your name down for our championship competition.

A little to one side were two more of the outlaws, one of whom had been brought down by Tip McCay, the other by the lantern-jawed, slow-spoken plainsman known as Scotty. The others had beaten a quick retreat to the shelter of the saloon. Hardy's gang did not attempt another rush. They had learned their lesson.

He died in 1815, leaving a large family, among whom were Spruce McCay Osborn, who graduated at Chapel Hill in 1806; studied medicine, entered the army as surgeon, and was killed at the massacre of Fort Mimms in the war of 1812; and Edwin Jay Osborn, who was distinguished as a lawyer of eloquence and learning, and was the father of the late Judge James W. Osborn, of Charlotte, one of Mecklenburg's most worthy, gifted and lamented sons.

'Quite possibly, continued McCay, 'he has told her that he will win this championship. 'If Archie's mutt enough to have told her that, said Sigsbee decidedly, 'he deserves all he gets. Waiter, two Scotch highballs. McCay was in no mood to subscribe to this stony-hearted view. 'I tell you, he said, 'I'm sorry for Archie! I'm sorry for the poor old chap. And I'm more than sorry for the girl.

Spruce McCay, of Salisbury, North Carolina, an old-fashioned Southern town, where he made his home until 1788, when he was admitted to the bar. All that is known of his life at Salisbury accords with what is known of his life at the Waxhaws.