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The big man looked at it, and his face lighted. "A short fella gave yuh that? I thought so! That was George Durham one o' my men. He's there as a spy." "As a spy?" the Texan repeated blankly. "I'm afraid this is gettin' too deep fo' me, Mistah " "McCay is the name. 'Old Beef McCay, they call me," he chuckled. "This lad, yuh've already met. He's Tip McCay, and my son. And you?"

FANNIE McCAY: Fannie McCay, 1720 NW 3rd Court, Miami, Florida was born on a plantation while her father and mother were slaves; she claims her age is 73 years which would make her too young to remember "mancipation" but nevertheless she was slave property of her master and could have been sold or given away even at that tender age.

This he managed to pay only by staking his horse in a game of dice against $200, which he fortunately won; and this squared him with the world and enabled him to start afresh, on a better way. Poor and obscure as he was, and imperfectly educated, he aspired to be a lawyer; and at eighteen years of age he became a law-student in the office of Mr. Spruce McCay in Salisbury, North Carolina.

At country houses, where they lingered in the porch after dinner to watch the moonlight flooding the quiet garden, it was McCay and his colleague who lingered longest. McCay knew Ella Wheeler Wilcox by heart, and could take Browning without anaesthetics.

He knew that if he should escape, he would do his best to make good his promise to Old Beef McCay! The McCay store was surrounded on all sides, and its four walls were scarred and pitted with bullet holes. And night was coming on rapidly. Kid Wolf saw the peril of their position. He knew, only too well, that the darkness would add to their troubles. Twilight was deepening into dusk.

He was by profession a chartered accountant, and inclined to be stout; and all rather stout chartered accountants are sentimental. McCay was the sort of man who keeps old ball programmes and bundles of letters tied round with lilac ribbon.

It took them but a few moments to plan their reckless venture and get into action. The Kid hated Hardy now, just as heartily as did Tip McCay. And even if he had not given his word to the dying cattleman, he would not have left a stone unturned to bring the rustling saloon keeper to justice. More than once before, Kid Wolf had used the law of the Colt when other measures failed to punish.

"Kid Wolf, sah, from Texas just 'Kid' to my friends." The five punchers, who had been listening with intense interest to the Texan's story, came forward to shake hands. They were introduced as Caldwell, Anderson, Blake, Terry White, and "Scotty." All were keen-eyed, resolute men. "Now I'll tell yuh what this is all about," said the elder McCay.

Within her borders resided such venerable patriots as Matthew Locke, Moses Winslow, Griffith Rutherford, John Brevard, William Sharpe, Samuel Young, William Kennon, Adlai Osborne, Francis McCorkle, James Brandon, James McCay, and many others, all true and constant friends of liberty; but alas! how little of their eminent services has been preserved.

It so happened that both had dined excellently, and were looking on the world with a sort of cosy benevolence. They were in the mood when men pat small boys on the head and ask them if they mean to be President when they grow up. 'I called up Archie Mealing today, said McCay. 'Did you know he was engaged? 'I did hear something about it. Girl of the name of Wilson, or 'Milsom.