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Phil Maylands could only say that he had never ceased to make inquiries after his friend, but hitherto without success, and that he meant to continue his inquiries until he should find him.

They stood alone and had no music whatever in them nothing but a click. Nevertheless this young woman, whose name was May Maylands, played on them with a constancy and a deft rapidity worthy of a great, if not a musical, cause.

Miss Maylands, the circumstances are entirely altered now besides," he added with a sudden change of tone and manner, "that inexorable man-made demon, Business, calls me to London." "I hope Business intends to keep you here," said Miss Lillycrop, busying herself at the tea-table. "That remains to be seen," returned Aspel. "If I find that "

Then came the question who should be asked to read or lecture. Macnab proposed that their chairman should endeavour to procure a lecturer, and report to next meeting. Sandy Tod objected, and proposed a committee to consider the subject. Phil Maylands said he had anticipated the demand, and had already secured the promise of a lecturer if the members chose to accept him.

Suffice it to say that the Wheatstone telegraph instrument tapes off its messages at the rate of 100 words a minute. But to return With a sigh May Maylands cast her eyes on the uppermost telegram. It ran thus: "Buy the horse at any price. He's a spanker. Let the pigs go for what they'll fetch." This was enough.

For a time George Aspel was buoyed up by hope. He hoped that May Maylands might yet come to regard him with favour, though she studiously avoided giving him ground for such hope.

Indeed, Mrs Maylands had been partly influenced in her choice of a residence by her desire to be near George. It was a bitterly cold December afternoon. As the friends reached the summit of the grey cliffs, a squall, fresh from the Arctic regions, came sweeping over the angry sea, cutting the foam in flecks from the waves, and whistling, as if in baffled fury, among the opposing crags.

"Phil," remarked Mrs Maylands, with a sigh, "don't you think that man has now made almost all the discoveries that it is possible to make?" "Why, no, mother, I think he is only on the threshold of discovery yet.

It need hardly be said that May Maylands finished her letter with increased satisfaction, and posted it that night. Next morning she wrote out a telegram as follows: "Let Phil come here at once. The application has been successful. Never mind clothes. Everything arranged. Best love to all." The last clause was added in order to get the full value for her money.

One of the telegrams was, `Blastus unholy." "Oh, Phil, how can you!" exclaimed Mrs Maylands, with a shocked look. "Well, mother, what's wrong in that?" "You know very well, Phil, that `Blast us' is not in the Bible at all, and that it is a very awful species of slang swearing."