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They found laid out for them a few cooking utensils, a variety of provisions tied up in strong little sacks, several more hoes, axes and rakes, two mattocks, a half-dozen flat files, and as many big zinc canteens. "Now hurry!" she commanded them; "pack these, and then get some blankets from your camp, and some hobbles and picket ropes." With Bob's rather awkward help everything was made fast.

"Likewise they were provided of all instruments necessary on land to conveigh and transport their furniture from place to place; as namely of carts, wheeles, wagons, &c. Also they had spades, mattocks, and baskets, to set pioners to works. They had in like sort great store of mules and horses, and whatsoever else was requisite for a land-armie.

The King of England considered that quite enough had been done, and was in great haste to patch up a reconciliation. He thought his ambassador would soon "have as good occasion to employ his tongue and his pen as General Cecil and his soldiers have done their swords and their mattocks."

On the 21st of November, 1775, The Duenna was performed at Covent Garden, and the following is the original cast of the characters, as given in the collection of Mr. Sheridan's Dramatic Works: Don Ferdinand Mr. Mattocks. Isaac Mendoza Mr. Quick. Don Jerome Mr. Wilson. Don Antonio Mr. Dubellamy. Father Paul Mr. Watson. Lopez Mr. Wewitzer. Don Carlos Mr. Leoni. Francis Mr. Fox. Lay Brother Mr.

It is the grave of twelve hundred Germans who fell in the fight of August 11. All over the field there are other graves, some of Germans, some of Belgians, some of horses. When I reached the place peasants with long mattocks and spades were turning in the soil. For two full days they had been at the work of burial and they were sick at heart.

"Likewise they were provided of all instruments necessary on land to conveigh and transport their furniture from place to place, as namely of carts, wheeles, wagons, etc. Also they had spades, mattocks, and baskets to set pioners on worke. They had in like sort great store of mules and horses, and whatsoever else was requisite for a land armie.

When an eminent living geologist was prosecuting his researches at Kirkdale cave, Yorkshire, he had calculated so nicely on the antecedent probabilities, that his commands to the labourers were substantially these: "Take your mattocks, and pick up that stone flooring; then take your basket, and fill it with the bones of hyænas and other creatures which you will find there."

Half a dozen mattocks stood by the rubber bales he had noticed them when the stores had been taken out for the expedition; they were still in the same place and, taking two of them, he went to the break in the wall that gave exit from the courtyard and called to the soldiers, who were busy at work rebuilding their huts. They came running.

But though he was no chicken, his memory did not go far enough back to throw any light upon the matter. 'Could it be the Mattross that was shot in the year '90, as I often heerd, for sthrikin' his captain? suggested a by-stander. 'Oh! that poor fellow's buried round by the north side of the church, said Mattocks, still eyeing the skull.

Why, look at the coffin this skull belongs to, 'tid go into powdher between your fingers; 'tis nothin' but tindher. 'I believe you're right, Mr. Mattocks. 'Phiat! to be sure. 'Tis longer undher ground by thirty years, good, or more maybe.