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Updated: August 10, 2024

Then Mappo told of being caught in the net when he picked up the pieces of cocoanut. "Were any other animals caught with you?" asked Tum Tum. "Oh, yes, the hunters had other animals some monkeys, and a big tiger in a cage. He was named Sharp-Tooth, the tiger was." "Hush!" whispered Tum Tum through his trunk, and looking around carefully, he went on: "Don't let him know I'm here!"

But he did not see anything for a long time. It was getting dark when the natives, carrying the crates, set them down in the jungle, and began to build fires to cook their supper. They were going to camp out in the woods all night, and they had stopped near a pool of water. Mappo smelled the water. So did the other animals, and they began to howl for drinks.

But, just the same, Mappo ran over on the other side of the circus barn, and watched the lion from there. The "King of Beasts," as he is called, though a lion is often no braver that any other animal, paced back and forth in his cage. He peered out between the bars, and tried to break them with his big paws. But he could not.

Oh, my baby is left behind in the room, and the stairs are all on fire. How can I get him?" "What, is there a baby in the house?" cried Mappo's trainer. "Yes. In that room where the window is," she said. "Oh, but we can't get him." "Yes, I think we can!" said the circus man. "Mappo, my monkey is very strong, and he is a good climber.

"Let who know?" asked Mappo. "Sharp-Tooth, the tiger. Don't tell him I'm here," Tum Tum said. "Why not?" the little monkey wanted to know. "Well, because he and I aren't friends," said Tum Tum. "You know in the jungle, hunters sometimes ride on the backs of myself, and my elephant friends, to hunt tigers. That's why the tigers don't like us.

"I don't believe the monkey will run away, and, as he's getting homesick, it may make him feel better to be with the elephant a while." Mappo was indeed getting homesick for the jungle, and for his folks, but when he saw Tum Tum, he felt much better.

You haven't any horns, none of your monkey friends are near, and I'm going to eat you!" Mappo looked to see how far it was to the nearest tree. It was some distance off, but the little monkey boy knew if he could reach it he would be safe. For, in the tree, he could run much faster, from branch to branch, than could the tiger on the ground.

Bumpo did not know what his brother was going to do, or that Mappo intended to play a trick with the empty cocoanut shell. "Oh, if he's gone on ahead, then we'll catch up to him," said Mrs. Monkey. So away they all went, leaving the tree-house empty, and expecting to meet Mappo somewhere on the road through the jungle.

But tame elephants, who had helped to drive us into the trap, came up, and struck us with their trunks, and stuck us with their tusks, and told us to be good, and not to break the fence, and that we would be kindly treated. So we behaved, and, after a while, we found ourselves on this ship." "Do you like it here?" asked Mappo. "Well, it isn't so bad," said Tum Tum.

"But I wish we had something to do," said Mappo, who was a merry little chap, always laughing, shouting, running about or playing some trick on his brothers and sisters. Just then he thought of a little trick. He went softly up behind Jacko, and tickled him on the ear with a long piece of a tree branch. Jacko thought it was a fly, and put up his paw to brush it away.

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