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"Yes, m'lady," said Elizabeth, and the flush deepened in her cheeks. "Then go and tell him to come back, by all means," said Olivia. "Thank you, m'lady," said Elizabeth, in accents of profound gratitude, and she ran out of the room. Olivia smiled and then she sighed. It was pleasant to have given Elizabeth such obviously keen pleasure.

He had never dreamed that he could do anything like this. MILADY I do not know her name Though it would be the same Where roses bloom at twilight And the lark takes his flight It would be the same anywhere Where music sounds in air I was never introduced to the lady So I could not call her Lass or Sadie So I will call her Milady By the sands of the sea She always will be Just M'lady to me.

She held out a firm white hand which showed a couple of beautiful rings. Susan looked at it for a moment in amazement before she took it. The colour flooded back into her face. Her eyes became quieter. Then she took the hand and kissed it, hard. "Thank you, m'lady," she said. "I trust you." Lady O'Gara walked to the door and paused to ask for news of Georgie, who was already at school.

'But, Peter, dear, I don't know what your father will say. He's so particular about dogs. All his dogs are prize-winners, pedigree dogs. This is such a mongrel. 'A nasty, rough, ugly, common dog, m'lady, said the nurse, sticking her oar in in an absolutely uncalled-for way. Just then a man came into the room. 'What on earth? he said, catching sight of me. 'It's a dog Peter has brought home.

There was strenuousness in the air, and she resented it on her vacation. She had come to Long Island to vegetate, and with all this going on round her vegetation was impossible. She was not long alone. Wrench entered. 'A gentleman to see you, m'lady.

"The oak leaf is dust," murmured Ricky, "the sea wave is gone, the broadsword is rust, how now hold ye Lorne?" Her brothers answered her together: "By our Luck, thus hold we Lorne!" "And we've got to get it back," she said. "We've just got to! When the Luck hangs there again, we " "Won't have anything left to worry about," Val finished for her. "But that's a very big order, m'lady.

And suddenly the spell was broken by the voice of Roger the footman, who had approached noiselessly along the mossy track. "If you please, m'lady, Sir Nevil sent word as Lord and Lady Roscoe 'ave arrived unexpected; and if convenient, can you come in?"

"Sure God's good always!" Patsy said reverently. She went on to ask him for the key of the South lodge. "Wait a minit, m'lady," he said, "I'll come wid you." She waited while he fetched the key. He came back swinging it on his finger. "I never seen a quieter little lad thin that Georgie," he said. "He's very fond o' the books. I don't know how I'll give him back to his mother at all.

'Has Miss Levering gone for a walk? she inquired of the servant. 'I don't know, m'lady. 'She's not in the garden. Do you think she's not down yet? 'I haven't seen her, m'lady, said Sutton, emerging from his retirement and approaching the wide staircase on his way to answer the front-door bell.

Albert, who was a willing lad and prepared, if such should be her desire, to plough his way through the entire seven stanzas, began the second verse, but Maud gently took the book away from him. Enough was sufficient. "Now, wouldn't you like to be able to write a wonderful thing like that, Albert?" "Not me, m'lady." "You wouldn't like to be a poet when you grow up?" Albert shook his golden head.