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A very few seconds, and with the aid of the knife to erase, and the pen to re-write, Ferrers completed his task, with the exception of the change of date, which, on second thoughts, he reserved as a matter to be regulated by circumstances. "I think I have hit off his m's and y's tolerably," said he, "considering I was not brought up to this sort of thing.

Malcolm looked after the mail phaeton as it dashed down the road, but he made no response as Mr. Jacobi waved his whip to him in an airy fashion. "Well, Mr. Herrick," said Mrs. Godfrey quietly, "I suppose I may ask your opinion now?" "I do not think I am anxious for a further acquaintance," returned Malcolm grimly. "The big M's are too much in evidence for my taste.

She had heard the roll called many times, she knew there were fourteen M's, and that she would have time to get out of the gallery if she were quick about it. She made so violent an effort to control the excitement raging within her that her brain ached as if a wedge had been driven through it.

The trouble he had in finding the word he wanted was a reason for his staying away from all gatherings where he was called upon to take a part in conversation, though he the more willingly went to lectures and readings and to church. His hearing was very slightly impaired, and his sight remained pretty good, though he sometimes said letters doubled, and that "M's" and "N's" troubled him to read.

After this test of M's intellectual calibre, I am not surprised to learn that he is treated throughout with the most contemptuous playfulness. He is horror-struck at learning that, in fact, he is nothing better "than a mediator between Christ and Beelzebub."

It is a wide bed, let deep into the wall, as it were, and Mrs M's red countenance looms over the counterpane like the setting sun over a winter fog-bank. Hark? A rumble in the far distance ominous and low at first, but rapidly increasing to the tones of distant thunder. It is the night express for the North going at fifty miles an hour.

With the vocabulary acquired from my Sanskrit reader I built up grandiose compound words with a profuse sprinkling of sonorous 'm's and 'n's making altogether a most diabolical medley of the language of the gods. But my father never scoffed at my temerity.

The chiefs most likely for my purpose were "the three M's" the curate Merino, Mina and Mendizabal. Of these, the curate was about the biggest scoundrel in Spain.

Then it passed on, and quite suddenly disappeared around the corner of a stone wall, as if hidden by the bricks. What made the thing still more mysterious was that Miss M's mother, who is partially blind, had only partially seen the dog." Annerly paused a moment. Then he went on: "This singular occurrence was interpreted by Q, no doubt correctly, to indicate his own approaching death.

"I know silence is golden, but there are tibes And to see Miss Ethel going round on her hands and dees with a tape beasure as if it was only an ordinary spring cleaning " Never had the catarrh been so marked and so marked in its effects on her m's and n's. "Nonsense! We shall be quite comfortable here and much less work to do.