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Some of them showed their ingratitude later by denouncing M'Loughlin as 'an aristocrat and a tyrant. The settlers established a provisional government in 1844, and joined in the rallying-cry of 'Fifty-four forty or fight. This, as M'Loughlin well knew, was the beginning of the end.

H. Roper-Barrett, Stanley Doust, Harold H. Hackett, Samuel Hardy, and Holcombe Ward, all doubles players of the very highest order, were, and are, well liked and deservedly popular, but are not idolized as were M'Loughlin or Wilding. Singles is a game of the imagination, doubles a science of exact angles. Doubles is four-handed tennis. Enough of this primary reader definition.

He had, according to the directors of the company, favoured settlement rather than the fur trade. Meanwhile, M'Loughlin ruled in a sort of rude baronial splendour on the banks of the Columbia. The 'Big House, as the Indians always called the governor's mansion, stood in the centre of a spacious courtyard surrounded by palisades twenty feet high, with huge brass padlocks on the entrance-gates.

"You ought to go once a month, if it was only to set an example to your children, and to show the neighbors how a man of substance and respectability, and the head of a family, ought to carry himself." "Where is the best wine got, your Reverence?" "Alick M'Loughlin, my nephew, I believe, keeps the best wine and spirits in Ballyslantha.

"That's well, here are the carts then ay, and here comes the sheriff. Now for business." "So, then, you will proceed, Mr. M'Clutchy?" said M'Loughlin. "Proceed," he replied, looking at him, as it were, with amazement; "proceed ha, ha, ha!"

After the first salutations had passed, M'Loughlin asked for a private interview with him; and when they had remained about a quarter of an hour together, the three sons were sent for, all of whom entered with silent and sullen resolution strongly impressed on their stern, pale, and immovable features.

"Gentlemen," said M'Loughlin, "what have I done, that I am to thank you both for your kindness in honoring a ruined man with this unusual visit." Val gave him a long, fixed and triumphant look, such a look as a savage gives his worst enemy, when he gets him beneath his knee, and brandishes his war-knife, before plunging it in his throat.

"Ha, ha!" he replied, "sure i'twas when I thought of Mary M'Loughlin and poor White-head." "And how did it happen that, of all places in the world, you both came here?" "Becaise White-head and the rest are here. Sure he thought he was comin' to a poor creature upon no good, and when he was drunk it was aisey to bring him anywhere ha, ha! that's one too for I can manage him."

"Now, M'Clutchy," said M'Loughlin, "I could overlook all your dishonesty and treacherous misrepresentation of me to Lord Cumber your attempt to oust us out of our farms, and to put your son and M'Slime in our places your suppressing the fact, besides that we offered a thousand pounds apiece for a renewal your whispering away our commercial reputation, and thereby bringing us in the end to ruin all that, I say, I could overlook and forgive; but for your foul and cowardly attempt to destroy the fair fame of our spotless child for that, sir, in which, thank heaven, you failed, I now say, I trust, with honest pride, and tell you face to face if you had only the manliness to look in mine that I feel this to be the hour of my triumph but not of my vengeance, for I trust I am a Christian man."

I need not say what the effects of this young woman's dishonor have produced upon her family. Young M'Clutchy was seen by several to go into her own apartment, and was actually found striving to conceal himself there by his father's blood-hounds who had received information that M'Loughlin had fire-arms in his house. The consequence is, that the girl's reputation is gone for ever.