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At the moment it is enough for me that, unless my information be at fault, Lady Lashmore yesterday left Cairo by the Luxor train at 8.30." Robert Cairn looked in a puzzled way at his father. "What do you suspect, sir?" he said. "I suspect that she went no further than Wasta," replied Dr. Cairn. "Still I do not understand," declared Sime. "You may understand later," was the answer.

Then he looked up and saw a most modern figure in white across the table, nibbling a cress sandwich, and laughing at some jest of the Englishman's.... With a start he realized that Lady Claire was waiting for an answer. "I beg your pardon. You asked ?" "If you had seen the temple in moonlight, Mr. Hill." "Not Karnak only Luxor night before last." "Only Luxor!" The girl beside him laughed.

"There's one thing I must say I should love to do before we go away from Egypt," she said, slowly. She seemed to be led or even forced to say it. "What's that?" "I should love to go up the Nile on a dahabeeyah." "Then you shall. When we leave here and pass through Cairo, I'll pick out a boat, and we'll send it up to Luxor, go on board there, and then sail for Assouan.

There are still several obelisks in Egypt; there is one erect, and another fallen at Alexandria, between the new city and the light-house; one at Matarea, among the ruins of old Heliopolis; one in the territory of Fayoum, near ancient Arsinoë; eight or ten among the ruins of Thebes; the two finest at Luxor, at the entrance of the temple, &c.

"And I never rode a camel," she went on. "I may never have such a chance again." "You don't mean ?" "It would make my story a little truer, too.... And wouldn't it be quicker?" "Quicker? The quickest way is to go back to Assiout and catch the middle-of-the-night express there and get to Luxor to-morrow morning." Arlee sighed.

When he looked at his watch and knew that the train for Cairo had left the station of Luxor, when half an hour later Ibrahim came in to tell Nigel that "my lady" had gone off "very nice indeed," he was for a time almost joyous, as a man is joyous who has got rid of a heavy burden, or who is unexpectedly released from some cruel prison of circumstance. How much the enforced companionship with Mrs.

"Both mother and Sir Hugh are out gone to a matinée at the Garrick," she exclaimed. "I'm so glad you've come in," and she placed a chair for him. "I have heard that you are leaving for Egypt to-morrow," he said, "and I wished to have a chat with you." "We go to Italy first, and to Egypt after Christmas," she replied. "Mother has promised to join us in Luxor at the end of January."

These doubtless once guarded the entrance of some temple more ancient than any remaining, for they were raised by Amunoph the Second, a predecessor, by some generations, of the great Rameses. They were, doubtless, once seated on each side of a propylon, as at Luxor, and in all probability were flanked by obelisks.

Between Luxor and Karnac extended an avenue of sphinxes, two miles long, numbering more than four thousand pieces of sculpture, now represented by mutilated formless blocks of stone.

One walks among his traces when one walks in Luxor. And here, as at Denderah, Christians have let loose the fury that should have had no place in their religion.