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The girls had begun to compare notes regarding what they had packed in their suitcases, long before the boats reached Lumberport; and some of them discovered that they had neglected to bring some very essential things. "You'll just have to tie up beyond the Main Street bridge, and give us a chance to shop, Chet," announced Laura. "We're making good time as it is."

Before Purt was dragged aboard by Art the dog was nearing his goal. They were well above the town of Lumberport now, and the shore along here was a shelving beach. After fighting the current the dog would have been unable to drag himself out had the bank been steep. "He's done it!" exclaimed Liz, eagerly. "Well! I declare I'm glad." "Gladder than you were over Purt?" chuckled Bobby.

Lake Luna was a beautiful body of water, all of twenty miles long and half as broad, with Centerport on its southern shore and Lumberport and Keyport situated at either end. The first named stood at the mouth of Rocky River which fed the great lake, while Keyport was at the head of Rolling River through which Lake Luna discharged its waters.

"Well," said Laura, "I guess Purt has finally gotten rid of the poor creature. But it was too funny for anything." The shores of Rocky River, as they advanced, were very pretty indeed. There were several suburban villages near Lumberport; but the farther they sailed up the stream the less inhabited the shores were and the wilder the scenery became. "My!" ejaculated Dorothy.

"You can come to the island visiting. It will be perfectly proper. My mother says she will go to chaperon us, now that she knows there is a cabin there." "And Bobby's father is going to send a couple of men up from Lumberport to make the cabin tight and fix things up a little for us. We'll pitch our tents on the knoll right by the cabin," Laura said, eagerly. "Pretty spot," agreed Chet.

But I haven't told Purt, for the dear boy seems to place implicit confidence in the old gat as a defense against anything on two or four legs in the Big Woods." Although it was high noon when they were at Lumberport the Girls of Central High and their boy friends had not lunched there.

With the high schools of Keyport and Lumberport, an association of league units had been formed, and the girls of the five educational institutions were rivals to a proper degree in many games and sports.

Which was a prophecy likely to be fulfilled, if the past adventures of these same girls were any criterion of the future. For more than a year now the girls of Central High, together with those of the other two high schools of Centerport and the high schools of Lumberport and Keyport all five had been deeply interested in the Girls' Branch League athletics.

"Maybe he lost money, too," Laura suggested. "What's that about the old Prof?" put in Chet. "Do you know he's gone out of town already?" "No!" was the chorus in reply. "Fact. I saw him with his suitcase this forenoon. He took the boat to Lumberport." "Well, as we shall all start in that same direction to-morrow morning, bright and early "

And later they tried Ember Night in Lumberport and Keyport. Laura Belding was not proud of her success, however, for poor Short and Long had been badly burned. Fortunately his face was only blackened, and the doctors decided that he had not inhaled any of the scorching flame. Laura and Purt had wrapped him in the blanket so quickly that the fire was smothered almost at once.