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Updated: August 12, 2024

And Shibli Bagarag said, 'Excellent fair show, O mighty one! Yet knew he not in what, but he was abject by reason of the thwacks. So the Vizier said, 'Thou lookest lean, even as one to whom Fortune oweth a long debt. Tell me now of thy barbercraft: perchance thy gain will be great thereby?

I question it of thyself, and wonder, when thou lookest at it, if thou hast any thought of me. I love to look upon the heavens much more than upon the earth; for the trees, and the waters and the hills around, thou canst not behold; but the same heaven which I survey is above thee also; and this, our common companion, seems in some measure to unite us.

In judging of that tempestuous wind called Euroclydon," says an old writer of whose works I possess the only copy extant "it maketh a marvellous difference, whether thou lookest out at it from a glass window where the frost is all on the outside, or whether thou observest it from that sashless window, where the frost is on both sides, and of which the wight Death is the only glazier."

Toulan raised his eyes slowly to heaven, and a pious expression illumined his good, energetic countenance. "Thou lookest down upon me, my queen and mistress," he said, softly and inaudibly." I feel the glance of thy heavenly eyes, and it rests like a hallowed blessing upon my thankful heart.

'It seems to me he will hardly savour it. 'It would be an ill turn to do me, but my lord marquis did never heed a tale-bearer. 'Then will he not heed the tale thou wouldst yield him concerning me. 'What tale should I yield him but that I find thee here and the prisoner gone? 'The tale I read in thy face and thy voice. Thou lookest and talkest as if I were a false woman.

"The light, Roger! "Ay, truly, Roger is here with me. It is to him in part we owe it that we are here this night. Raymond, Raymond, thou art sorely changed! Thou lookest more spirit-like than ever! Thou hast scarce strength to stand alone! What have they done to thee, my brother?" But Raymond could scarce find strength to answer. The revulsion of feeling was too much for him.

Ned was not wont to use such courtship to me, and I believe he intended a better word for his father; but MUST was for the king. Returning to her own room, lady Margaret found Dorothy waiting for her. 'Well, my little lig-a-bed! she said sweetly, 'what is amiss with thee? Thou lookest but soberly.

Thou art endued with self-restraint and thou lookest impartially upon all creatures. Divested of the sense of meum, thou art devoted to the practice of all the duties. O thou of beautiful features, I desire to ask thee about something. I wish that, asked by me, thou wilt discourse to me on that topic. Savitri is the chaste wife of Brahma. The chaste Sachi is the wife of Indra.

Thy colour is gone and thou lookest lean and pale. Tell me everything in detail. I must know the truth. Whether it be pleasurable or painful, agreeable, or disagreeable, tell me all. Having heard everything, I shall apply the remedy. I alone, O Krishna, am entitled to thy confidence in all things, for it is I who deliver thee from perils again and again!

Now Atli was uneasy in his mind, and, saying nothing, he hurried up to the hall, and through it into Swanhild's bower. There she sat on a couch, her eyes red with weeping, and her curling hair unbound. "What now, Swanhild?" he asked. "Why lookest thou thus?" "Why look I thus, my lord?" she answered heavily. "Because I have to tell thee that which I cannot find words to fit," and she ceased.

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