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"He didn't send for me," answered Austen, quietly, "and I have no business dealings with him except small suits. What I did tell him was that he would never get the bill through this session or next by lobbying." The Honourable Hilary never showed surprise. He emitted a grunt which evinced at once impatience and amusement. "Why not?" he asked.

They could see no reason to continue to assume that the UFO's weren't interplanetary vehicles. What Are UFO's? While the scientists were in Washington, D.C., pondering over the UFO, the UFO's weren't just sitting idly by waiting to find out what they were they were out doing a little "lobbying" for the cause keeping the interest stirred up. And they were doing a good job, too.

If a man's born volatile, volatile he is; and the sensible plan, I take it, is to lean your ear to Nature, the Mighty Mother, and find a career that has some use for that kind of temperament. Now, said my father, 'I know a little about most legitimate careers, from ticket-punching up to lobbying, and there's not one in which a man would hand in testimonials that he was volatile.

A sweet world we should live in, if among other party questions, Parliament had to consider multiplying or contracting the currency every year or every month, with all the interests that would be affected by the consequent rise or fall in prices, lobbying, speech-making, and pulling strings to work the oracle to suit their pockets.

My little girl Dorothy had the whole thing planned out, and talked me over to her way. She is very fond of the Travers girl, you know." The office door opened and Mr. MacAllister entered. "Hullo!" he said cheerily. "Been lobbying, Major?" "Seems so." "Well, Travers has my vote," Mr. Ford hurried to say. "What, going back on your party?" said Mr. MacAllister, laughing.

The instrument which they drafted bound the state legislature with numerous restrictions and made lobbying a felony; it reorganized the courts, placed innumerable limitations upon corporations, forbade the loaning of the credit or property of the State to corporations, and placed a state commission in charge of the railroads, which had been perniciously active in state politics.

At Albany, in the interest of a great corporation, he was responsible for every job and bit of lobbying done in its behalf. I don't mean to say that he really bribed men himself, for he had lieutenants for the actual dirty work, but every dollar spent passed through his hands, and he knew for what purpose it was used.

The man who spoke was knocked down by a Webb partisan, and assailant and assailed were hustled from the house. When the uproar was subdued, the thin voice of Mr. Slate sounded from the platform. "What he doesn't sell he buys," he cried in his nervous, penetrant tones. "Twelve years ago he was accused of lobbying with full hands in the legislature. He was the lobbyist of the P.H. & C. railroad.

I don't mind saying to you that these are papers I prefer that my WIFE should not use. We'll leave it for the present Unfinished Business." They did. But one evening our hero brought Mrs. Royal Thatcher a paper containing a touching and beautiful tribute to the dead Senator. "There, Carmen, love, read that. Don't you feel a little ashamed of your your your lobbying " "No," said Carmen promptly.

There were certain corporations which it was said Bassett protected from violence at the state house. But as against this did not the vast horde of greedy corporations maintain a lobby at every session and was not a certain amount of lobbying legitimate?