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McCall's eyes played a perpetual game of peekaboo, now peering over them, anon ducking down and hiding behind them. He was sipping a cup of anti-caffeine. On his right, toying listlessly with a plateful of cereal, sat his son, Washington. Mrs. McCall herself was eating a slice of Health Bread and nut butter.

As clearly as possible she made her explanations, and went away to put up the tennis slippers, leaving dismayed Gail to face the unique situation. "What can I do?" she cried, almost in tears. "Get yourself a new coat, if you can find one for the price," answered Faith, listlessly scrubbing a panful of turnips for dinner. "I don't mean the coat. I had scarcely thought of the money.

It is a very relief to steal a walk of a hundred yards without a guide along to talk unceasingly about every stone you step upon and drag you back ages and ages to the day when it achieved celebrity. It seems hardly real when I find myself leaning for a moment on a ruined wall and looking listlessly down into the historic pool of Bethesda.

When her eyes were once fixed upon me, I took the shape of her grandfather, representing him on the wall, as he sat in his chair, with his head bent down, and his arms hanging listlessly by his sides. And the child remembered that that was just as she had seen him last; for she had happened to peep in at the dining-room door, after all the rest had gone up stairs.

Barclay and Natalie, unstrung by the events of the day, ate little and talked listlessly. Dorothy, victim to an inward excitement which was half happiness and half disappointment, chattered feverishly.

"You were in the Neptune," he said slowly, "knowing well that it is absolutely forbidden for any officer to take a friend on board a submarine without a special permit from the Minister of Marine?" "It is sometimes done," she said listlessly.

She went listlessly with the most indifferent men. She continually broke engagements, not as in the past from a cool assurance that she was irreproachable, that the man she insulted would return like a domestic animal but indifferently, without contempt or pride. She rarely stormed at men any more she yawned at them. She seemed and it was so strange she seemed to her mother to be growing cold.

That meant that Worth was working on the Clayte case or thought he was. I told her of this. "Yes Oh, yes," she repeated listlessly. "But where is he now? And awful things things like this meeting coming up." "What besides this meeting?" "At Santa Ysobel." "What? Things that have happened since the boy's gone?

Eight days after his father's death, he was reclining on the lounge in his smoking-room, his face dark as night and as his thoughts, when a servant entered and handed him a card. He took it listlessly, and read" Lescande, architect." Two red spots rose to his pale cheeks "I do not see any one," he said.

You needn't look forward to a great deal of Ponkwasset Falls, unless you like." "I shouldn't mind going there," said Dan listlessly. "It won't be necessary at first. In fact, it won't be desirable. I want you to look up the business at this end a little." Dan gave a start. "In Boston?" "Yes. It isn't in the shape I want to have it. I propose to open a place of our own, and to put you in charge."