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Each art, like each individual, is unique and singular; in this singularity dwells its most thrilling appeal. We are likely to miss light's crowning glory, and the rainbow's most moving message to the soul if we preoccupy ourselves too exclusively with the identities existing between music and color; it is rather their points of difference which should first be dwelt upon.

Spragg shrank back, she added more mildly, in the tone of a parent rebuking a persistent child: "It's enough to MAKE anybody sick to be stared at that way!" Mrs. Spragg overflowed with compunction. "I'm so sorry, Undie. I guess it was just seeing you in this glare of light." "Yes the light's awful; do turn some off," ordered Undine, for whom, ordinarily, no radiance was too strong; and Mrs.

And the thoughts which the sight of the countless globes involuntarily and inevitably evokes, were born in me, too, thoughts of the littleness of the earth in our Solar System, and of our Solar System in the Universe, of immeasurable distances so great that the stars whose rays, with the rapidity of light's travelling, are striking against our eyes now, may have gone out in our childhood; of immeasurable periods of time, in which a human life, or even the lifetime of a whole people, disappears like a drop in the ocean.

Ah, Sophia, it is always a little doleful to see the Old Year go out; but here, where there are no bells in the churches, it will seem less solemn." "Necessity, like light's electric force, Is in ourselves and all things, and no more Without us than within us ."

The light's burning you can see it under the door and he's praying away, steady as a steam-threshing machine. I doubt he's keeping the evil creature at arm's length, and I'm a tidy lot more hopeful than what I was an hour ago. The thing ain't strong enough to touch a man praying to God like what he can. But if prayers keep it harmless, then it's got ears and it's alive!"

Then Penelope rushed in with some commonplace remark and the brief tension was over. "Come and see my Mrs. T. Van Decken," said Rooke presently. "The light's pretty fair now, but it will be gone after tea." They trooped out of the room and into the studio, where several other people, who had already examined the great portrait, were still strolling about looking at various paintings and sketches.

One of those consolidations with 'holdin' companies' and franchises and extensions and water by the hogshead. Wa'n't that it? I remember now; the Boston papers had considerable about it, and I presume likely the New York ones had more. One of those all-accordin'-to-law swindles that sprout same as toadstools in a dark place, but die out if the light's turned on too sudden.

"Don't you mind what he says, Dummy," cried Mark laughingly; "he doesn't mean it. There, come along. I want you to help me pick out some good sharp swords and pikes. Mind, Dan, I shall be waiting for you as soon as the last light's out." "I shall be there, Master Mark," replied the old miner; and the two lads returned to daylight, along the passages sparkling with crystals and bits of ore.

When the emissory or corpuscular theory of light had to be abandoned a medium for light's interplay between worlds had to be conceived. The existence of an all-pervasive medium called the luminiferous ether was launched as a theory. Its reality has been so far demonstrated that but very few doubters remain. What facts of its conditions and powers can be known?

And joy in light, and power to spread the joy. The saddest part of that friend's death is the fear that it may bring, After light's term, a term of cecity: the best hope for the future, that light will return and banish the follies, sophistries, delusions, which have accumulated in the darkness. "Lucidity of soul" may be nay, must be, "sad"; but it is not less imperative.