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Our native sailors said they had heard a scream about ten at night and seen the sharks splashing, and the white liars of Levuka shook their heads and looked solemn as they told tales of monster sharks with eight-foot jaws always cruising close in to the shore at night. Three days afterwards Allan came to me with stolid face and asked for a bottle of wine, as Vaega was very sea-sick.

Brown, while bargaining, had a sort of grim enjoyment in thinking of his wretched schooner, with nothing but a heap of dirt in her hold, that stood for an armed ship, and a Chinaman and a lame ex-beachcomber of Levuka on board, who represented all his many men.

Diaz was already in the boat, steer-oar in hand, and talking to Lester, who was leaning over the rail, wondering why his former comrade seemed so embarrassed, and impatient to get away. Mrs. Brabant held out her hand. "Good-bye, Captain Lester. I hope you will have a quick passage to Levuka. Goodbye, Minea."

He had lived much at Rewa, and, until lately, had been a resident at Levuka, but had, in consequence of his intrigues, been expelled by the white residents, to the island of Ambatiki. It appeared that they had unanimously come to the conclusion, that if he did not remove, they would be obliged to put him to death for their own safety.

I repeated over and over again the words which the Maori had addressed to his woolly headed pupil on that hot day at Levuka. They raced madly round in my mind, as if exultant because I had found the reason why they persisted in storing themselves in the cells of my brain. The soul within me had known that the knowledge would be wanted! "How many paces?" asked the Professor. "Sixty!"

"Heavens he left Bora-Bora, going east, two days before I dropped anchor bound west on my way to Samoa. I came out of Apia, with letters for him from the American consul, the day before he came in. We missed each other by three days at Levuka I was sailing the Wild Duck then. He pulled out of Suva as guest on a British cruiser.

"Look at his fist," said Tudor. "I'd hate to receive a punch from it." "I don't blame you." Joan laughed reminiscently. "I saw him hit the captain of a Swedish bark on the beach at Levuka, in the Fijis. It was the captain's fault. I saw it all myself, and it was splendid. Adamu only hit him once, and he broke the man's arm. You remember, Adamu?"

"It's Fijian, isn't it? meaning the feathers of the sun?" "Just so. It means the feathers of the sun. Thus does this base interloper caption himself. He has come up from Fiji to turn Fitu-Iva upside down that is, commercially." "Some one of those smart Levuka boys, I suppose?" Ieremia shook his head sadly. "No, this low fellow is a white man and a scoundrel.

The Church of England folk there regard me as their Bishop, I understand; and the Bishops of Sydney and Melbourne assume this to be the fitting course. A really able energetic man might do much there, and, in five years, would be Bishop of Levuka. 'This is all of Melanesia and myself; but you will like to have this scrawl read to you.

The John and Pauline whaler put them ashore at Levuka, and I can tell you I went to bed with a bad head that night." "What did you do with Miss Maynard's I beg her pardon Mrs. Colonel Maclean's letter?" "Posted it to her, and this is what I got in reply," and he showed him the note he had exhibited to his friend Tom Craig. Barry read it with a smile of contempt. "What's the other news, Watson?"