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The King'sfavorite, the Earl of Bute, supplanted Holdernesse as Secretary of State for the Northern Department; Charles Townshend, an opponent of Pitt, was made Secretary of War; Legge, Chancellor of the Exchequer, was replaced by Viscount Barrington, who was sure for the King; while a place in the Cabinet was also given to the Duke of Bedford, one of the few men who dared face the formidable Minister.

The thunder was magnificent, exploding on the peak of the mountain exactly above us, and in the course of a quarter of an hour torrents were rushing down the ravines among the rocks, the effects of the violent storm that had passed away as rapidly as it had arrived. No sooner had it ceased than the throng again appeared. Once more the chief, Legge', was before us begging for all that we had.

Allen, Mateer, Martin, Williams and Legge were brought out in pirated photographic reproductions by the bookshops of Shanghai and sold for one-tenth the cost of the original work. Authors, to protect themselves, compelled the pirates to deliver over the stereotype plates they had made on penalty of being brought before the officials in litigation if they refused.

Legge as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Lord Talbot, who is in high favour, is Steward of the Household, and with his usual spirit has executed a scheme of economy, which, though much laughed at at first, is now much commended.

Go down on your knees and pray that no telegram from Foot Brothers I mean, Legge arrives during the next five-and-twenty minutes. 'Why? 'If not, you're to takee this notee to Brother Andrew Leggee, comprenez? The boss was going to send me, but he altered his mind, worse luck. 'Twelve-thirteen? asked Hood. 'Yes. And now if you're in the mind, I'll box you for half a dollar what say?

Henry Legge Chancellor of the Exchequer: The employments of Treasurer of the Navy, and Secretary at War, supposed to be vacant by the promotion of Mr. Fox and Mr.

I take it for granted, that Lord B 'surnagera encore', but by the assistance of what bladders or cork-waistcoats God only knows. The death of poor Mr. Legge, the epileptic fits of the Duke of Devonshire, for which he is gone to Aix-la-Chapelle, and the advanced age of the Duke of Newcastle, seem to facilitate an accommodation, if Mr. Pitt and Lord Bute are inclined to it.

Charles had formerly given his word of honour to the governor, Colonel Whalley, not to attempt an escape: he now withdrew it under the pretence that of late he had been as narrowly watched as if no credit were due to his promise. His guards were immediately doubled; his servants, with the exception of Legge, were dismissed; and the gates were closed against the admission of strangers.

We are to understand, I make no doubt, that Willie had been too fortunate a lover, and that in his absence the frailty of his lady becoming conspicuous her brother had avenged the family honour according to that old law of Scotland which the courteous Ariosto styles "l' aspra legge di Scozia, empia e severa." Pray let me know, at your leisure, what you think of this trouvaille.

And was praised also for havyng taken order that his souldiours in buckelynge with the enemies, shoulde kneele with the lefte legge, to bee able more strongly to withstande their violence: the whiche havyng geven him the victorie, it got him also so muche praise, that all the Images, whiche were erected in his honour, stoode after the same facion.