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I never knew to flatter, to kneele basely And beg from him a smile owes me an honour. Ye are wreatches, poore starv'd wreatches fedd on crumbs That he flings to ye: from your owne aboundaunce Wreatched and slavish people ye are becom That feele the griping yoak and yet bow to it.

Now would he kneele and kisse the ground as holy grounde which she vouchsafed to blesse from barrennesse by her steps. Who would haue learned to write an excellent passion, might have bin a perfect tragicke poet, had he but attended halfe the extremitie of his lament.

It is said, that the crosse being made, and the hole digged wherein it should be set, he tooke the crosse in his owne hands, and putting the foot thereof into that hole, so held it till his souldiers had filled the hole, and rammed it vp: and then caused all the souldiers to knéele downe vpon their knées, and to make intercession to the true and liuing God for his assistance against the proud enimie, with whom they should fight in a iust quarell for the preseruation of their people and countrie.

My last petition, good Cuntrymen, forget me: Your memories wound deeper then your mallice, And I forgive ye all. A litle stay me. Honour and world I fling ye thus behind me, And thus a naked poore man kneele to heaven: Be gracious to me, heare me, strengthen me. I come, I come, ô gracious heaven! now, now, Now, I present Exec. Is it well don mine Heeres? 1 Lord.

Written in 1635, and now printed for the first time. The Play of The Lady Mother. Actus Primus. Enter Thorowgood, Bonvill & Grimes. Bon. What? will it be a match man? Shall I kneele to thee and aske thee blessing, ha? Tho. Pish! I begin to feare her, she does Dally with her affection: I admire itt. Bon.

And was praised also for havyng taken order that his souldiours in buckelynge with the enemies, shoulde kneele with the lefte legge, to bee able more strongly to withstande their violence: the whiche havyng geven him the victorie, it got him also so muche praise, that all the Images, whiche were erected in his honour, stoode after the same facion.

If any man will speake with the king, he is to kneele downe, to heaue vp his hands to his head, and to put his head to the ground three times, when he entreth, in the middle way, and when he commeth neere to the king: and then he sitteth downe and talketh with the king: if the king like well of him, he sitteth neere him within three or foure paces: if he thinke not well of him, he sitteth further off.

Vpon the Sunday the Soueraigne commeth into the Church with his Sergeant before him, and the Sheriffe and others of the Towne accompany him, and there they kneele downe euery man by himselfe priuately to make his prayers. After this they rise and go out of the Church againe to drinke, which being done, they returne againe into the Church, and then the Minister beginneth prayers.